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[英]Clean comparison of the performence of different approaches with a same goal in R?

In R , how can I cleanly compare different solutions to a same problem, being "fair" between each of them? R ,如何清洁比较同一问题的不同解决方案,使每个解决方案之间“公平”? Could running a resource-consuming solution before others alter the performences of the latter ones? 是否可以先运行耗资源的解决方案,然后再改变后者的性能? How could one 'clean' the state of the machine between each test? 在每次测试之间如何“清洁”机器的状态?

Suppose I want to compute the mean over columns of a matrix, I could do it the easy or the complicated way: 假设我要计算矩阵各列的均值,可以通过简单或复杂的方式来完成:

N = 1e7
ncol = 1e3
myT = matrix(runif(N), ncol = ncol)

func1 <- function(mat) {

func2 <- function(mat) {
  apply(mat, 2, function(x) sum(x)/length(x))

func3 <- function(mat) {
  nrows = c()
  for (i in 1:nrow(mat)) {
    nrows = c(nrows, 1) # yes, this is very stupid ;-)
  colSums(mat) / sum(nrows)

system.time( replicate(1, t1 <- func1(myT)))
# user  system elapsed 
# 0.012   0.000   0.011 
system.time( replicate(1, t2 <- func2(myT)))
# user  system elapsed 
# 0.136   0.036   0.170
system.time( replicate(1, t3 <- func3(myT)))
# user  system elapsed 
# 0.140   0.032   0.170

Running several times the system.time() execution can give different results for a same test (possibly altering the conclusions). 运行几次system.time()执行可以为同一测试提供不同的结果(可能会更改结论)。 I noticed it was especially the case for more complicated, resource-sonsuming solutions, while the cleanest ones tend to have a more consistent execution time - what is the reason for this? 我注意到,对于更复杂的,占用资源的解决方案尤其如此,而最干净的解决方案往往具有更一致的执行时间-这是什么原因? How to avoid big changes between executions of the same expression, and how to prevent them to interfere with each other? 如何避免在同一表达式的执行之间发生重大变化,以及如何防止它们相互干扰?

Is a call to gc() between tests useful, and is it enough? 在测试之间调用gc()是否有用,是否足够?

I also know about the microbenchmark package, but I am looking for something more 'manual' in order to understand what happens. 我也了解微microbenchmark包,但是我正在寻找更“手动”的内容,以了解会发生什么。

I am working with RStudio , in case it matters... 我正在与RStudio ,以防万一。

The microbenchmark was design for this. microbenchmark是为此设计的。 system.time() is not as detailed system.time()不太详细

N = 1e5
ncol = 1e3
myT = matrix(runif(N), ncol = ncol)

  colmeans = colMeans(myT),
  wrong_apply = apply(myT, 2, function(x) sum(x)/length(x)), # wrong in case of NA
  correct_apply = apply(myT, 2, mean, na.rm = TRUE), # correct in case of NA
  stupid = {
    nrows = c()
    for (i in 1:nrow(myT)) {
      nrows = c(nrows, 1) # yes, this is very stupid ;-)
    colSums(myT) / sum(nrows)

Output 输出量

Unit: microseconds
          expr      min       lq       mean   median       uq       max neval cld
      colmeans   87.235   92.367   96.44175   95.787   98.781   129.142   100 a  
   wrong_apply 3004.886 3071.595 3483.02090 3166.739 3267.445 18707.947   100  b 
 correct_apply 7595.387 7895.148 8850.87886 8106.179 8461.745 13928.438   100   c
        stupid  144.109  156.510  166.15237  163.351  171.690   255.290   100 a  

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