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[英]Simulating archers hitting a target monte carlo method

3 archers are shooting at a target with probabilities p1, p2, p3. 3名弓箭手以概率p1,p2,p3射击目标。 With a Monte Carlo simulation I am supposed to find an approximation of the probabilities of the following events: 通过蒙特卡洛模拟,我应该找到以下事件的概率的近似值:

  • randomly chosen archer hits the target // already solved 随机选择的弓箭手击中目标//已经解决
  • the target will be hit if all three shoot at it with a single bullet. 如果三个人用一颗子弹同时射击,就会命中目标。 // no idea how to approach //不知道如何处理

This is the first problem of this type that I am approaching. 这是我要解决的第一个问题。 I can solve it easily using probabilities formulas, but I have no idea how to approach the problem using a simulation. 我可以使用概率公式轻松解决它,但是我不知道如何使用模拟方法解决问题。

I would do something like this: 我会做这样的事情:

public class Archer {
    private Random random = new Random();
    public final double chance;
    public Archer(double chance) {
        this.chance = chance;
    public boolean shoot() {
        return random.nextDouble() < chance;

// ...

public boolean sample_problem2() {
    for (Archer archer : archers) {
        if (archer.shoot()) return true;
    return false;

public double estimate_sample2(long count) {
    long positive = 0;
    for (long i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        if (sample_problem2()) positive++;
    return (double)positive / (double)count;

Here, the archer objects shoot method will return true or false with their respective probabilities. 在这里, archer shoot对象的方法将以其各自的概率返回true或false。 sample_problem2 will simulate an event you need. sample_problem2将模拟您需要的事件。 The latter method will take count samples, and will estimate the probability of the simulated event. 后一种方法将获取count样本,并估计模拟事件的概率。

If you have some example code, we can help you develop a solution which fits better to what you already have. 如果您有一些示例代码,我们可以帮助您开发更适合您现有解决方案的解决方案。

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