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[英]Access y-intercept in multiple regression using scikitlearn

I've followed the accepted answer in this post: 我遵循了这篇文章中公认的答案:

Multiple linear regression in Python Python中的多元线性回归

In the comments, it mentions how to fit the line with a constant term (y-intercept). 在评论中,它提到了如何用常数项(y截距)来拟合直线。 How do I access this? 我该如何访问?

After you fit the model, the intercept is available as model.intercept_ . 拟合模型后,截距可作为model.intercept_ Here is an example: 这是一个例子:

# Example that should have intercept of 1
x = np.random.rand(10,3)
y = 1 + x.dot([1,2,3]) + 0.05 * np.random.rand(10)
lr.fit(x, y)
>> array([ 1.01701958,  2.00951304,  3.00504058])
>> 0.99952789780697682

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