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[英]Smartest way to check if an observation in data.frame(x) exists also in data.frame(y) and populate a new column according with the result

Having two dataframes: 有两个数据框:

x <- data.frame(numbers=c('1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'), coincidence="NA")


y <- data.frame(numbers=c('1','3','10'))

How can I check if the observations in y (1, 3 and 10) also exist in x and fill accordingly the column x["coincidence"] (for example with YES|NO, TRUE|FALSE...). 如何检查y (1、3和10)中的观测值是否也存在于x并相应地填充x["coincidence"] (例如,使用YES | NO,TRUE | FALSE ...)。

I would do the same in Excel with a formula combining IFERROR and VLOOKUP , but I don't know how to do the same with R. 我会在Excel中使用结合了IFERRORVLOOKUP的公式来执行相同的操作,但是我不知道如何使用R来执行相同的操作。

Note: I am open to change data.frames to tables or use libraries. 注意:我愿意将data.frames更改为表或使用库。 The dataframe with the numbers to check ( y ) will never have more than 10-20 observations, while the other one ( x ) will never have more than 1K observations. 具有要检查的数字( y )的数据框永远不会有超过10到20个观察值,而另一个( x )永远不会有超过1K个观察值。 Therefore, I could also iterate with an if , if it´s necessary 因此,如果需要的if ,我也可以使用if进行迭代

We can create the vector matching the desired output with a set difference search that outputs boolean TRUE and FALSE values where appropriate. 我们可以通过设置差异搜索来创建与所需输出匹配的向量,该搜索将在适当的情况下输出布尔TRUEFALSE值。 The sign %in% , is a binary operator that compares the values on the left-hand side to the set of values on the right: 符号%in%是二进制运算符,用于将左侧的值与右侧的值集进行比较:

x$coincidence <- x$numbers %in% y$numbers
# numbers coincidence
# 1       1        TRUE
# 2       2       FALSE
# 3       3        TRUE
# 4       4       FALSE
# 5       5       FALSE
# 6       6       FALSE
# 7       7       FALSE
# 8       8       FALSE
# 9       9       FALSE

Do numbers have to be factors, as you've set them up? 设置数字时,数字是否一定是要素? (They're not numbers, but character.) If not, it's easy: (它们不是数字,而是字符。)如果不是,这很容易:

x <- data.frame(numbers=c('1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'), coincidence="NA", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
y <- data.frame(numbers=c('1','3','10'), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

x$coincidence[x$numbers %in% y$numbers] <- TRUE

> x
  numbers coincidence
1       1        TRUE
2       2          NA
3       3        TRUE
4       4          NA
5       5          NA
6       6          NA
7       7          NA
8       8          NA
9       9          NA

If they need to be factors, then you'll need to either set common levels or use as.character(). 如果它们需要成为因素,那么您将需要设置通用级别或使用as.character()。

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