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[英]multiprocessing in python (going from a for loop to multiprocessing for loop)

I have a script that works. 我有一个有效的脚本。 It has a for loop that id like to improve the speed of by incorporating multiprocessing. 它有一个for循环,它喜欢通过合并多处理来提高速度。

The code without multiprocessing is as follows: 没有多处理的代码如下:

    Symbol= Symbol[0:]   #slicing to coose which stocks to look at
    ################################for loop
    for item in Symbol:
        print item
            serious=web.DataReader([item], 'yahoo', start, end)['Adj Close']
            serious2=serious.loc[:, item].tolist()   #extract the column of 'Adj Close' 
            valuemax = max(serious2)
            indexmax = serious2.index(max(serious2))
            valuemin = min(serious2)
            indexmin = serious2.index(min(serious2))         
            pricecurrent = serious2[-1]
            if valuemax>30 and valuemin<2 and pricecurrent<2.5:
        except RemoteDataError: 
print tickerlist

The second code block below is "with parallel processing" 下面的第二个代码块是“具有并行处理”

    Symbol= Symbol[0:]   #slicing to coose which stocks to look at
    ############ multi processing before the for loop
    def search1(Symbol):

        for item in Symbol:
            print item  #trying to see why the tickers are messed up
                serious=web.DataReader([item], 'yahoo', start, end)['Adj Close']
                serious2=serious.loc[:, item].tolist()   #extract the column of 'Adj Close' 
                valuemax = max(serious2)
                indexmax = serious2.index(max(serious2))

                valuemin = min(serious2)
                indexmin = serious2.index(min(serious2))         

                pricecurrent = serious2[-1]

                if valuemax>30 and valuemin<2 and pricecurrent<2.5:
            except RemoteDataError: 

    pool = Pool(processes=4) 
    tickerlist = pool.map(search1, Symbol)
print tickerlist

The first one works fine but the second, although the code does run without error, the Symbol that gets fed into pool.map(search1, Symbol) doesn't seem right. 第一个可以正常工作,但是第二个可以正常运行,尽管代码可以正确运行,但是输入pool.map(search1, Symbol)看起来不正确。

Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

(Symbol is just supposed to be a list of stock tickers) (符号只是股票行情清单)

---------------after making the changes tdelaney suggested ---------------进行更改后建议tdelaney

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import csv
import pandas as pd
import datetime
import pandas.io.data as web
from pandas.io.data import DataReader, SymbolWarning, RemoteDataError
from filesortfunct import filesort
from scipy import stats
from scipy.stats.stats import pearsonr
import numpy as np
import math
from multiprocessing import Pool
import warnings

#decide the two dates between which to look at stock prices
start = datetime.datetime.strptime('2/10/2015', '%m/%d/%Y')
end = datetime.datetime.strptime('2/25/2016', '%m/%d/%Y')

#intended to collect indeces and min/max prices
#global tickerlist, maxpricelist, minpricelist, tickerlistori
tickerlistori=[]    #list of stocks available from google finance
maxpricelist = []
minpricelist =[]

datanamelist= ['NYSE.csv']#,'NASDAQ.csv','AMEX.csv']
for each in datanamelist:

    #print each   #print out which stock exchange is being looked at
    dataname= each  #csv file from which to extract stock tickers
    new = 'new'

    df = pd.read_csv(dataname, sep=',')
    df = df[['Symbol']]

    df.to_csv(new+dataname, sep=',', index=False)

    x=open(new+dataname,'rb')    #convert it into a form more managable
    f = csv.reader(x) # csv is binary

    Symbol = zip(*f) 

    #print type(Symbol)   #list format

    Symbol=Symbol[0]   #pick out the first column

   # Symbol = Symbol[1:len(Symbol)]  #remove the first row "symbol" header
    Symbol = Symbol[3210:len(Symbol)] 

    Symbol= Symbol[0:]   #slicing to coose which stocks to look at
    #print Symbol

    def search1(item):
        print item  #trying to see why the tickers are messed up
            serious=web.DataReader([item], 'yahoo', start, end)['Adj Close']
            serious2=serious.loc[:, item].tolist()   #extract the column of 'Adj Close' 
            valuemax = max(serious2)
            indexmax = serious2.index(max(serious2))
            valuemin = min(serious2)
            indexmin = serious2.index(min(serious2))         
            pricecurrent = serious2[-1]

            if valuemax>30 and valuemin<2 and pricecurrent<2.5:
                return item, valuemax, valuemin
        except RemoteDataError: 

    pool = Pool(processes=4) 
    for result in pool.map(search1, Symbol):

        if result:

print tickerlist

You've got several problems: 您有几个问题:

  • map will enumerate Symbol and run the worker for each. map将枚举Symbol并为每个Symbol运行worker。 The worker doesn't need to enumerate it again in a for loop 工人不需要在for循环中再次枚举它
  • You update global lists... but those lists are global to the subprocess. 您更新全局列表...但是这些列表对于子流程是全局的。 The parent never sees them 父母从未见过他们

Here's an update 这是更新

Symbol= Symbol[0:]   #slicing to coose which stocks to look at
############ multi processing before the for loop
def search1(item):
    print item  #trying to see why the tickers are messed up
        serious=web.DataReader([item], 'yahoo', start, end)['Adj Close']
        serious2=serious.loc[:, item].tolist()   #extract the column of 'Adj Close' 
        valuemax = max(serious2)
        indexmax = serious2.index(max(serious2))
        valuemin = min(serious2)
        indexmin = serious2.index(min(serious2))         
        pricecurrent = serious2[-1]

        if valuemax>30 and valuemin<2 and pricecurrent<2.5:
            return item, valuemax, valuemin
    except RemoteDataError: 

pool = Pool(processes=4) 
for result in pool.map(search1, Symbol):
    if result:
print tickerlist

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