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python 循环中的多处理

[英]Multiprocessing in python loop

I am generating negative pairs with the help of positive pairs.我在正对的帮助下生成负对。 I would like to speed up the process by using all core of the CPU.我想通过使用 CPU 的所有核心来加速这个过程。 On a single CPU core, it takes almost five days including day and night.在单个 CPU 内核上,包括白天和黑夜在内,几乎需要五天时间。

I tend to change the below code in multiprocessing.我倾向于在多处理中更改以下代码。 Meanwhile, I have no list of "positives_negatives.csv"同时,我没有“positives_negatives.csv”列表

if Path("positives_negatives.csv").exists():
    df = pd.read_csv("positives_negatives.csv")
    for combo in tqdm(itertools.combinations(identities.values(), 2), desc="Negatives"):
        for cross_sample in itertools.product(combo[0], combo[1]):
            negatives = negatives.append(pd.Series({"file_x": cross_sample[0], "file_y": cross_sample[1]}).T,
    negatives["decision"] = "No"
    negatives = negatives.sample(positives.shape[0])
    df = pd.concat([positives, negatives]).reset_index(drop=True)
    df.to_csv("positives_negatives.csv", index=False)

Modified code修改后的代码

def multi_func(iden, negatives):
    for combo in tqdm(itertools.combinations(iden.values(), 2), desc="Negatives"):
        for cross_sample in itertools.product(combo[0], combo[1]):
            negatives = negatives.append(pd.Series({"file_x": cross_sample[0], "file_y": cross_sample[1]}).T,


if Path("positives_negatives.csv").exists():
    df = pd.read_csv("positives_negatives.csv")
    with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor:
        secs = [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
        results = executor.map(multi_func(identities, negatives), secs)

    negatives["decision"] = "No"
    negatives = negatives.sample(positives.shape[0])
    df = pd.concat([positives, negatives]).reset_index(drop=True)
    df.to_csv("positives_negatives.csv", index=False)

The best way is to implement Process Pool Executor class and create a separate function.最好的方法是实现Process Pool Executor class 并创建一个单独的 function。 Like you can achieve in this way就像你可以通过这种方式实现


from concurrent.futures.process import ProcessPoolExecutor
import more_itertools
from os import cpu_count

def compute_cross_samples(x):
    return pd.DataFrame(itertools.product(*x), columns=["file_x", "file_y"])

Modified code修改后的代码

if Path("positives_negatives.csv").exists():
    df = pd.read_csv("positives_negatives.csv")
    with ProcessPoolExecutor() as pool:
        # take cpu_count combinations from identities.values
        for combos in tqdm(more_itertools.ichunked(itertools.combinations(identities.values(), 2), cpu_count())):
            # for each combination iterator that comes out, calculate the cross
            for cross_samples in pool.map(compute_cross_samples, combos):
                # for each product iterator "cross_samples", iterate over its values and append them to negatives
                negatives = negatives.append(cross_samples)

    negatives["decision"] = "No"

    negatives = negatives.sample(positives.shape[0])
    df = pd.concat([positives, negatives]).reset_index(drop=True)
    df.to_csv("positives_negatives.csv", index=False)

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