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[英]how to add correlation value and p-values in boxplot in R

I want to add a computed correlation coefficient and p-value to my boxplot. 我想将计算出的相关系数和p值添加到箱线图中。 This is my code: 这是我的代码:

# Load needed package

# Simulate data
xx <- runif(10)
yy <- runif(10)

# Compute R and p-value
scor <- cor(xx, yy, method = "spearman")
ppp <- spearman_test(xx ~ yy)

# Make plot
boxplot(list(t(xx),t(yy)), main="exprment values", col = c("orange", "yellow"))
legend("topright", bty="n", legend=paste("r=0.69, p=0.0001"))

I want the R and p-value to be printed automatically so I don't have to type them out. 我希望自动打印R和p值,因此不必键入它们。


legend("topright", bty="n", legend=paste("r=", scor, ", p=", ppp, sep = ""))

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