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SyncVar无法正常使用Unity Networking

[英]SyncVar not working Unity Networking

The [SyncVar] attribute is not working for me in my game. [SyncVar]属性不适用于我的游戏。 I have made sure that: 我已经确保:

  1. I changed the variable with a command function 我使用命令功能更改了变量
  2. I correctly added the syncvar attribute and the hook 我正确添加了syncvar属性和钩子
  3. The client can update the variables on the server, but the server is not updating the variable on the client 客户端可以在服务器上更新变量,但是服务器没有在客户端上更新变量

Here are my scripts: 这是我的脚本:

Player Shooting Script: 玩家射击脚本:

using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using UnityEngine.Networking;

public class PlayerShoot : NetworkBehaviour {

public GameObject shootPosition;

public float shootRange = 100;
public float shootRate = 0.2f;
float nextCheck;

public int damage = 10;

// Use this for initialization
void Start () {


void DetectShooting(){
    if (Time.time > nextCheck && Input.GetMouseButton(0)) {
        nextCheck = Time.time + shootRate;
        CmdShoot ();


void CmdShoot(){
    RaycastHit hit;
    Ray bulletDirection = new Ray (shootPosition.transform.position, transform.forward * shootRange);
    Debug.DrawRay (shootPosition.transform.position, transform.forward * shootRange, Color.blue, 10.0f);
    if (Physics.Raycast (bulletDirection, out hit, 100)) {
        print (hit.transform.name);

        if (hit.transform.CompareTag ("Player")) {
            hit.transform.GetComponent<PlayerHealth> ().DeductHealth (damage);



// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
    print (isLocalPlayer);
    if (isLocalPlayer)
    DetectShooting ();

Player Health Script: 玩家健康脚本:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.Networking;

 public class PlayerHealth : NetworkBehaviour {

public static int maxHealth = 100;

[SyncVar (hook ="UpdateUI")]
public int currentHealth = maxHealth;

public Slider healthBar;

void UpdateUI(int hp){
    healthBar.value = currentHealth;

public void DeductHealth(int damage){
    if (isServer)
    currentHealth -= damage;


// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
    //InvokeRepeating ("DeductHealth", 0, 2);
    SetInitialReferences ();

void SetInitialReferences(){


// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {


Here are some Screen Shots: 以下是一些屏幕截图:



Since you are hooking the SyncVar with function, you need to pass the variable manually (and do other stuff you wish to do with the new value like checking if hp <= 0). 由于您将SyncVar与函数挂钩,因此需要手动传递变量(并执行其他您希望使用新值进行的操作,例如检查hp <= 0)。

void UpdateUI(int hp){
    currentHealth = hp;
    healthBar.value = currentHealth;

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