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[英]Different results in numpy vs matlab

I'm trying to implement a gradient descent algorithm that was previously written in matlab in python with numpy, but I'm getting a set of similar but different results. 我正在尝试实现以前用numpy在python中用matlab编写的梯度下降算法,但是我得到了一组相似但不同的结果。

Here's the matlab code 这是Matlab代码

function [theta] = gradientDescentMulti(X, y, theta, alpha, num_iters)

m = length(y);
num_features = size(X,2);
for iter = 1:num_iters;
    temp_theta = theta;
    for i = 1:num_features
        temp_theta(i) = theta(i)-((alpha/m)*(X * theta - y)'*X(:,i));
    theta = temp_theta;


and my python version 和我的python版本

def gradient_descent(X,y, alpha, trials):

    m = X.shape[0]
    n = X.shape[1]
    theta = np.zeros((n, 1))

    for i in range(trials):

        temp_theta = theta
        for p in range(n):
            thetaX = np.dot(X, theta)
            tMinY = thetaX-y
            temp_theta[p] = temp_theta[p]-(alpha/m)*np.dot(tMinY.T, X[:,p:p+1])

        theta = temp_theta

    return theta

Test case and results in matlab Matlab中的测试用例和结果

X = [1 2 1 3; 1 7 1 9; 1 1 8 1; 1 3 7 4]
y = [2 ; 5 ; 5 ; 6];
[theta] = gradientDescentMulti(X, y, zeros(4,1), 0.01, 1);

theta =


test case and result in python 测试用例和python中的结果

test_X = np.array([[1,2,1,3],[1,7,1,9],[1,1,8,1],[1,3,7,4]])
test_y = np.array([[2], [5], [5], [6]])
theta, cost = gradient_descent(test_X, test_y, 0.01, 1)
print theta
>>[[ 0.045     ]
  [ 0.1535375 ]
  [ 0.20600144]
  [ 0.14189214]]

This line in your Python: Python中的这一行:

    temp_theta = theta

doesn't do what you think it does. 不按照您的想法去做。 It doesn't make a copy of theta and "assign" it to the "variable" temp_theta -- it just says " temp_theta is now a new name for the object currently named by theta ". 它不会复制theta并将其“分配”给“变量” temp_theta -只是说“ temp_theta现在是当前由theta命名的对象的新名称”。

So when you modify temp_theta here: 因此,当您在此处修改temp_theta

        temp_theta[p] = temp_theta[p]-(alpha/m)*np.dot(tMinY.T, X[:,p:p+1])

You're actually modifying theta -- because there's only the one array, now with two names. 您实际上是在修改theta因为只有一个数组,现在有两个名称。

If you instead write 如果你写

    temp_theta = theta.copy()

you'll get something like 你会得到类似

(3.5) dsm@notebook:~/coding$ python peter.py
[[ 0.045 ]
 [ 0.155 ]
 [ 0.2225]
 [ 0.2   ]]

which matches your Matlab results. 与您的Matlab结果匹配。

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