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[英]How does a repr(C) type handle Option?

I have this C code: 我有这个C代码:

typedef void (*f_t)(int a);

struct Foo {
        f_t f;

extern void f(struct Foo *);

bindgen generates the following Rust code (I have removed unimportant details): bindgen生成以下Rust代码(我已经删除了不重要的细节):

#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Foo {
    pub f: ::std::option::Option<extern "C" fn(a: ::std::os::raw::c_int)>,

I do not understand why Option is here. 我不明白为什么Option在这里。 Obviously that Rust enum and C pointer are not the same thing on the bit level, so how does the Rust compiler handle this? 显然,Rust enum和C指针在位级别上是不同的,那么Rust编译器如何处理呢?

When I call the C f function and pass a pointer to a Rust struct Foo , does the compiler convert Foo_rust to Foo_C and then only pass a pointer to Foo_C to f ? 当我调用C f函数并将指针传递给Rust结构Foo ,编译器是否将Foo_rust转换为Foo_C ,然后仅将指向Foo_C的指针Foo_Cf

From The Rust Programming Language chapter on FFI (emphasis mine): 关于FFI (重点是我的) 的Rust编程语言一章

Certain types are defined to not be null. 某些类型定义为不为null。 This includes references ( &T , &mut T ), boxes ( Box<T> ), and function pointers ( extern "abi" fn() ). 这包括引用( &T&mut T ),框( Box<T> )和函数指针( extern "abi" fn() )。 When interfacing with C, pointers that might be null are often used. 与C接口时,经常使用可能为null的指针。 As a special case, a generic enum that contains exactly two variants, one of which contains no data and the other containing a single field, is eligible for the "nullable pointer optimization". 作为一种特殊情况,一个通用枚举恰好包含两个变体,其中一个不包含数据,另一个不包含单个字段,则可以使用“空指针优化”。 When such an enum is instantiated with one of the non-nullable types, it is represented as a single pointer, and the non-data variant is represented as the null pointer. 当使用非空类型之一实例化此类枚举时,它表示为单个指针,非数据变量表示为空指针。 So Option<extern "C" fn(c_int) -> c_int> is how one represents a nullable function pointer using the C ABI. 因此, Option<extern "C" fn(c_int) -> c_int>是如何使用C ABI表示可为空的函数指针。

Said another way: 换句话说:

Obviously that Rust enum and C pointer are not the same thing on the bit level 显然,Rust枚举和C指针在位级别上是不同的

They actually are, when the Option contains a specific set of types. Option包含一组特定类型时,它们实际上就是。

See also: 也可以看看:

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