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[英]Building a Cumulative distribution function after Quantile Estimation

I have this data frame with two columns (Y and X).我有这个包含两列(Y 和 X)的数据框。

With quantreg package i can estimate the quantiles of Y conditional on X.使用quantreg包,我可以以 X 为条件估计 Y 的分位数。

I am unable to build CUMULATIVE density function of Y conditional on X. Can anybody help me?我无法以 X 为条件构建 Y 的累积密度函数。有人可以帮助我吗?

Estimating the quantiles:估计分位数:

taus=seq(0.1, 0.9, by = 0.01)
Quantis<-rq(data[,1] ~ data[,2],tau=taus,method="br")

After this, how do I generate a Cumulative distribution function (Fx)?在此之后,如何生成累积分布函数 (Fx)?

This is my data.frame:这是我的数据框:

structure(list(Y = c(NA, -1.793, -0.642, 1.189, -0.823, -1.715, 
1.623, 0.964, 0.395, -3.736, -0.47, 2.366, 0.634, -0.701, -1.692, 
0.155, 2.502, -2.292, 1.967, -2.326, -1.476, 1.464, 1.45, -0.797, 
1.27, 2.515, -0.765, 0.261, 0.423, 1.698, -2.734, 0.743, -2.39, 
0.365, 2.981, -1.185, -0.57, 2.638, -1.046, 1.931, 4.583, -1.276, 
1.075, 2.893, -1.602, 1.801, 2.405, -5.236, 2.214, 1.295, 1.438, 
-0.638, 0.716, 1.004, -1.328, -1.759, -1.315, 1.053, 1.958, -2.034, 
2.936, -0.078, -0.676, -2.312, -0.404, -4.091, -2.456, 0.984, 
-1.648, 0.517, 0.545, -3.406, -2.077, 4.263, -0.352, -1.107, 
-2.478, -0.718, 2.622, 1.611, -4.913, -2.117, -1.34, -4.006, 
-1.668, -1.934, 0.972, 3.572, -3.332, 1.094, -0.273, 1.078, -0.587, 
-1.25, -4.231, -0.439, 1.776, -2.077, 1.892, -1.069, 4.682, 1.665, 
1.793, -2.133, 1.651, -0.065, 2.277, 0.792, -3.469, 1.48, 0.958, 
-4.68, -2.909, 1.169, -0.941, -1.863, 1.814, -2.082, -3.087, 
0.505, -0.013, -0.12, -0.082, -1.944, 1.094, -1.418, -1.273, 
0.741, -1.001, -1.945, 1.026, 3.24, 0.131, -0.061, 0.086, 0.35, 
0.22, -0.704, 0.466, 8.255, 2.302, 9.819, 5.162, 6.51, -0.275, 
1.141, -0.56, -3.324, -8.456, -2.105, -0.666, 1.707, 1.886, -3.018, 
0.441, 1.612, 0.774, 5.122, 0.362, -0.903, 5.21, -2.927, -4.572, 
1.882, -2.5, -1.449, 2.627, -0.532, -2.279, -1.534, 1.459, -3.975, 
1.328, 2.491, -2.221, 0.811, 4.423, -3.55, 2.592, 1.196, -1.529, 
-1.222, -0.019, -1.62, 5.356, -1.885, 0.105, -1.366, -1.652, 
0.233, 0.523, -1.416, 2.495, 4.35, -0.033, -2.468, 2.623, -0.039, 
0.043, -2.015, -4.58, 0.793, -1.938, -1.105, 0.776, -1.953, 0.521, 
-1.276, 0.666, -1.919, 1.268, 1.646, 2.413, 1.323, 2.135, 0.435, 
3.747, -2.855, 4.021, -3.459, 0.705, -3.018, 0.779, 1.452, 1.523, 
-1.938, 2.564, 2.108, 3.832, 1.77, -3.087, -1.902, 0.644, 8.507
), X = c(0.056, 0.053, 0.033, 0.053, 0.062, 0.09, 0.11, 0.124, 
0.129, 0.129, 0.133, 0.155, 0.143, 0.155, 0.166, 0.151, 0.144, 
0.168, 0.171, 0.162, 0.168, 0.169, 0.117, 0.105, 0.075, 0.057, 
0.031, 0.038, 0.034, -0.016, -0.001, -0.031, -0.001, -0.004, 
-0.056, -0.016, 0.007, 0.015, -0.016, -0.016, -0.053, -0.059, 
-0.054, -0.048, -0.051, -0.052, -0.072, -0.063, 0.02, 0.034, 
0.043, 0.084, 0.092, 0.111, 0.131, 0.102, 0.167, 0.162, 0.167, 
0.187, 0.165, 0.179, 0.177, 0.192, 0.191, 0.183, 0.179, 0.176, 
0.19, 0.188, 0.215, 0.221, 0.203, 0.2, 0.191, 0.188, 0.19, 0.228, 
0.195, 0.204, 0.221, 0.218, 0.224, 0.233, 0.23, 0.258, 0.268, 
0.291, 0.275, 0.27, 0.276, 0.276, 0.248, 0.228, 0.223, 0.218, 
0.169, 0.188, 0.159, 0.156, 0.15, 0.117, 0.088, 0.068, 0.057, 
0.035, 0.021, 0.014, -0.005, -0.014, -0.029, -0.043, -0.046, 
-0.068, -0.073, -0.042, -0.04, -0.027, -0.018, -0.021, 0.002, 
0.002, 0.006, 0.015, 0.022, 0.039, 0.044, 0.055, 0.064, 0.096, 
0.093, 0.089, 0.173, 0.203, 0.216, 0.208, 0.225, 0.245, 0.23, 
0.218, -0.267, 0.193, -0.013, 0.087, 0.04, 0.012, -0.008, 0.004, 
0.01, 0.002, 0.008, 0.006, 0.013, 0.018, 0.019, 0.018, 0.021, 
0.024, 0.017, 0.015, -0.005, 0.002, 0.014, 0.021, 0.022, 0.022, 
0.02, 0.025, 0.021, 0.027, 0.034, 0.041, 0.04, 0.038, 0.033, 
0.034, 0.031, 0.029, 0.029, 0.029, 0.022, 0.021, 0.019, 0.021, 
0.016, 0.007, 0.002, 0.011, 0.01, 0.01, 0.003, 0.009, 0.015, 
0.018, 0.017, 0.021, 0.021, 0.021, 0.022, 0.023, 0.025, 0.022, 
0.022, 0.019, 0.02, 0.023, 0.022, 0.024, 0.022, 0.025, 0.025, 
0.022, 0.027, 0.024, 0.016, 0.024, 0.018, 0.024, 0.021, 0.021, 
0.021, 0.021, 0.022, 0.016, 0.015, 0.017, -0.017, -0.009, -0.003, 
-0.012, -0.009, -0.008, -0.024, -0.023)), .Names = c("Y", "X"
), row.names = c(NA, -234L), class = "data.frame")

The cumulative distribution function for each X is the estimate of Y at each quantile tau with X held fixed.每个X的累积分布函数是每个分位数tauY的估计值,其中X保持固定。 I'm not that experienced with quantile regression, but it seems like the output of rq isn't consistent in the sense that Y vs. tau for a given X is not necessarily monotonic.我对分位数回归没有经验,但似乎rq的输出不一致,因为给定X Ytau不一定是单调的。

For example, below is some code to get the cumulative distribution function for four values of X :例如,下面是一些代码来获取X四个值的累积分布函数:


Quantis<-rq(Y ~ X, tau=taus, method="br", data=data)

# Get predictions of Y for four X values for all taus
X = seq(min(data$X), max(data$X), length.out=4)
pred = as.data.frame(predict(Quantis, newdata=data.frame(X)))
pred$X = X

Each row of pred is the cumulative distribution function for a given X value (where the X value is in the last column of pred ). pred每一行都是给定X值的累积分布函数(其中X值位于pred的最后一列)。 Below, we reshape this data frame to long format for plotting with ggplot.下面,我们将此数据框重塑为长格式,以便使用 ggplot 进行绘图。

# Reshape predictions to long format
pred = melt(pred, id.var="X", variable.name="tau", value.name="Y")
pred$tau = as.numeric(gsub("tau= (.*)", "\\1", pred$tau))

# Plot predictions
ggplot(pred, aes(x=Y, y=tau, color=factor(X))) +
  geom_step() + theme_bw()


You can see in the plot above that the cumulative distribution functions are not monotonic.您可以在上图中看到累积分布函数不是单调的。 It's easier to see what's happening if we instead plot the individual regression lines for each of the 101 quantiles (ie, the 101 values of tau ).如果我们为 101 个分位数(即tau的 101 个值)中的每一个绘制单独的回归线,则更容易看出发生了什么。 The cumulative distribution function for Y at each X are vertical slices through the plot below. Y在每个X处的累积分布函数是通过下图的垂直切片。 However, you can see that the regression lines for each quantile often cross each other, which is equivalent to the non-monontonicity (is that a word?) in the plot above.但是,您可以看到每个分位数的回归线经常相互交叉,这相当于上图中的非单调性(这是一个词吗?)。

To be mutually consistent, the quantile regression lines should not cross each other.为了相互一致,分位数回归线不应相互交叉。 As I said, I'm not that experienced with quantile regression, but maybe your data is too sparse to get stable slopes for each quantile.正如我所说,我对分位数回归没有那么丰富的经验,但也许您的数据太稀疏而无法为每个分位数获得稳定的斜率。 In particular, the single value at the left edge is problematic, but you won't get monotonic quantiles even if you remove that value.特别是,左边缘的单个值有问题,但即使删除该值,也不会得到单调分位数。

ggplot(pred, aes(x=X, y=Y, colour=tau, group=factor(tau))) +
  geom_point(data=data, aes(X,Y), inherit.aes=FALSE) +
  geom_line(show.legend=FALSE, alpha=0.7) +
  scale_colour_gradient2(low="red", mid="yellow", high="blue", midpoint=0.5) +


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