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为什么const volatile引用不能绑定到右值引用?

[英]Why a const volatile reference cannot be bound to an rvalue reference?

I would like to understand why a const volatile reference cannot be bound to an rvalue reference? 我想理解为什么const volatile引用不能绑定到右值引用? What is the rational reason to prohibit such a conversion? 禁止这种转换的理由是什么?

In the following code I comment out lines that do not compile: 在下面的代码中,我注释掉了不编译的行:

int main(){
 int i=1;
 //const volatile int& cvi2=std::move(i); -> ERROR: why?
 const volatile int i2=0;
 //const volatile int& cvi3=std::move(i2);// -> ERROR: why?

Here a more realistic scenario, that fails to compile for a similar reason: 这是一个更现实的场景,由于类似的原因无法编译:

template<class T> void g(const T& b){
  //do usefull things
template<class T,class F> void f(T& a,F a_func){
  //do usefull things with a
int main(){
   int i=0;
   volatile int vi=1;
   f(i,g<int>); //OK no error;
   f(vi,g<volatile int>);//ERROR: can not convert volatile int to
                                 //const volatile int &

In this code, I would have expected that g<volatile int>(const volatile&) accept any argument. 在这段代码中,我原本期望g<volatile int>(const volatile&)接受任何参数。

An other edit, for a more concret example: 另一个编辑,更具体的例子:

#include <vector>
using usefull_type=int;
void set_communication_channel_to(volatile usefull_type* g,size_t n);
int main(){
  auto vect=
    std::vector<volatile usefull_type>(10,usefull_type{42});//->ERROR no known conversion
                                                      // from int to const volatile int &

There must have a good reason for this limitation no? 这个限制必须有充分理由吗?

The correct question should sound as " Why a const volatile reference cannot be bound to an rvalue ?" 正确的问题应该是“ 为什么const volatile参考不能绑定到rvalue ?”

The following code doesn't compile either, although no rvalue references are directly involved: 以下代码也不编译,但没有直接涉及右值引用:

const volatile int& cvr = 0;

This answer to a related question cites the relevant section of the standard: 这个答案的相关问题,引用标准的相关部分:

Per [dcl.init.ref] /5, for a reference to be initialized by binding to an rvalue, the reference must be a const non- volatile lvalue reference, or an rvalue reference: Per [dcl.init.ref] / 5,对于通过绑定到rvalue初始化的引用,引用必须是const非易失volatile左值引用或rvalue引用:

— Otherwise, the reference shall be an lvalue reference to a non-volatile const type (ie, cv1 shall be const ), or the reference shall be an rvalue reference. - 否则,引用应是对非易失性const类型的左值引用(即, cv1应为const ),或者引用应为右值引用。

My guess is that this restriction has historical roots in the C++98 standard where rvalues were limited to temporaries, that were fully managed by the compiler. 我的猜测是,这种限制在C ++ 98标准中具有历史根源,其中rvalues仅限于临时数,完全由编译器管理。 The compiler can place the temporary at any address or register of its choice, and treating it as a volatile object with observable reads doesn't make sense. 编译器可以将临时文件放在其选择的任何地址或寄存器中,并将其视为具有可观察读取的易失性对象没有意义。 In the new standard an lvalue reference can be converted to an rvalue reference with std::move() , however as a result it gets the old properties assumed for rvalues, ie that their exact memory address is insignificant, and thus cannot have the volatile attribute assigned to it. 在新标准中,可以使用std::move()将左值引用转换为右值引用,但结果它获得了为rvalues假定的旧属性,即它们的确切内存地址无关紧要,因此不能具有volatile分配给它的属性。

Technically this restriction is not a very limiting one, since you can effectively bind a const volatile reference to an rvalue through an extra level of indirection: 从技术上讲,这种限制并不是非常有限的,因为您可以通过额外的间接级别将const volatile引用有效地绑定到rvalue:

// This doesn't compile
// const volatile int& cvr = 0;

// This does compile
const int& cr = 0;
const volatile int& cvr = cr;

The literal reason is that [dcl.init.ref] forbids such a declaration: 字面上的原因是[dcl.init.ref]禁止这样的声明:

A reference to type “cv1 T1” is initialized by an expression of type “cv2 T2” as follows: 对类型“cv1 T1”的引用由类型“cv2 T2”的表达式初始化,如下所示:
- If the reference is an lvalue reference and the initializer expression [...] - 如果引用是左值引用和初始化表达式[...]
- Otherwise, the reference shall be an lvalue reference to a non-volatile const type (ie, cv1 shall be const), or the reference shall be an rvalue reference. - 否则,引用应是对非易失性const类型的左值引用 (即,cv1应为const),或者引用应为右值引用。

The next level reason is just a guess (and a problem with asking why questions): such a declaration makes no sense. 下一个原因只是一个猜测(以及询问为什么问题的问题):这样的声明毫无意义。 The purpose of volatile is to make all reads and writes observable behavior. volatile的目的是使所有读取和写入可观察的行为。 If you're initializing a reference to const volatile from a temporary, you're now the owner of the lifetime of this object. 如果您正在初始化对临时的const volatile的引用,那么您现在是该对象生命周期的所有者。 But you can't write to it. 但是你不能写信给它。 And neither can anyone else. 其他任何人都不能。 So what does volatile convey? 那么volatile传达是什么?

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