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[英]How do you use TypeApplications in Haskell?

With -XTypeApplications in GHC 8.0, you can specify types explicitly with @ preceding function arguments. 使用GHC 8.0中的-XTypeApplications ,可以使用@ preceding函数参数显式指定类型。 What types does it exactly specify, especially when several @ are introduced? 它准确指定了哪些类型,特别是当引入了几个@时?

If you look at the type of a function 如果你看一个函数的类型

elem :: (Foldable t, Eq a) => a -> t a -> Bool

we see it has two polymorphic variables, t and a . 我们看到它有两个多态变量, ta These variables are what the @ type applications specify. 这些变量是@应用程序指定的。 It seems that variables introduced in the context — where typeclass constraints go — affect order, and hence the first @ specifies the t , and the second the a . 似乎在上下文中引入的变量 - 类型类约束在哪里 - 影响顺序,因此第一个@指定t ,第二个指定a In functions without context variables 在没有上下文变量的函数中

const :: a -> b -> a

the order is more obvious, the a is first and b is second. 顺序更明显, a是第一个, b是第二个。 As Cactus mentioned in a comment above, you can also use explicit foralls to specify the order yourself. 正如Cactus在上面的评论中提到的,您也可以使用显式的foralls来自己指定顺序。

myConst :: forall b a. a -> b -> a

Now the first type application will specify the b and the second the a . 现在第一个类型的应用程序将指定b ,第二个应用程序将指定a

You may run into this problem of needing to specify types particularly if you're using overloaded strings or lists 您可能会遇到需要指定类型的问题,尤其是在使用重载字符串或列表时

elem c "abc...xyz" -- What string type is this?
elem c ['a' .. 'z'] -- What list constructor is this?

therefore we use explicit type applications 因此我们使用显式类型应用程序

elem @[] @Char c ['a' .. 'z']

in this case we only have to specify the @[] and say "this is a [] list type constructor" because GHC infers Char from the list elements, so @Char can be omitted here. 在这种情况下,我们只需要指定@[]并说“这是一个[]列表类型构造函数”,因为GHC从列表元素中推断出Char ,因此@Char可以省略@Char

If a polymorphic argument GHC is able to infer happens to come first you can leverage -XPartialTypeSignatures which allows you to use _ in type signatures including type application signatures, telling GHC to just infer that [part of the] type, to make things less verbose. 如果GHC能够推断的多态参数恰好是第一个你可以利用-XPartialTypeSignatures ,它允许你在类型签名中使用_包括类型应用程序签名,告诉GHC只是推断[部分]类型,以减少冗长。

f @_ @[]

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