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如何解释R中的TukeyHSD输出? (关于基础回归模型)

[英]How do I interpret the TukeyHSD output in R? (in relation to the underlying regression model)

I built a simple linear regression model with 'Score' as the dependent variable, and 'Activity' as the independent one. 我建立了一个简单的线性回归模型,以“得分”为因变量,以“活动”为独立变量。 'Activity' has 5 levels: 'listen' (reference level), 'read1', 'read2', 'watch1', 'watch2'. “活动”具有5个级别:“监听”(参考级别),“ read1”,“ read2”,“ watch1”,“ watch2”。

lm(formula = Score ~ Activity)

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-22.6154  -8.6154  -0.6154   7.1346  31.3846 

               Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)      41.615      2.553  16.302   <2e-16 ***
Activityread1     6.385      7.937   0.804   0.4254    
Activityread2    20.885      9.552   2.186   0.0340 *  
Activitywatch1    3.885      4.315   0.900   0.3728    
Activitywatch2  -11.415      6.357  -1.796   0.0792 .  
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 13.02 on 45 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.1901,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.1181 
F-statistic:  2.64 on 4 and 45 DF,  p-value: 0.04594

In order to obtain all pairwise comparisons, I performed a TukeyHSD test, whose output I'm having difficulty interpreting. 为了获得所有成对的比较,我执行了TukeyHSD测试,我的输出难以解释。 While the output of the model shows that the only significant effect we have is due to the contrast between 'listen' and 'read2', the TukeyHSD results yield that the only significant contrast exists between 'watch2' and 'read2'. 虽然模型的输出表明,我们具有的唯一显着效果是由于“监听”和“ read2”之间的对比,但TukeyHSD结果表明,“ watch2”和“ read2”之间只有唯一的对比。 What does this mean? 这是什么意思?

 > TukeyHSD(aov(mod4), "Activity") Tukey multiple comparisons of means 95% family-wise confidence level Fit: aov(formula = mod4) $Activity diff lwr upr p adj read1-listen 6.384615 -16.168371 28.937602 0.9279144 read2-listen 20.884615 -6.256626 48.025857 0.2034549 watch1-listen 3.884615 -8.376548 16.145779 0.8952957 watch2-listen -11.415385 -29.477206 6.646437 0.3885969 read2-read1 14.500000 -19.264610 48.264610 0.7397464 watch1-read1 -2.500000 -26.031639 21.031639 0.9981234 watch2-read1 -17.800000 -44.811688 9.211688 0.3466391 watch1-read2 -17.000000 -44.959754 10.959754 0.4278714 watch2-read2 -32.300000 -63.245777 -1.354223 0.0368820 watch2-watch1 -15.300000 -34.569930 3.969930 0.1783961 

In your initial model summary, Estimate is showing the estimated difference in mean for each group relative to the mean of the "listen" group (40.615). 在您的初始模型摘要中,“ Estimate显示相对于“侦听”组的平均值(40.615)的每组平均值的估计差异。 The "read2" group, has the largest shift (+20.885) away from the "listen" group is called significant with p = .0340 when only these 4 comparisons are calculated. 仅计算这4个比较时,“ read2”组与“ listen”组的偏移最大(+20.885),当p = .0340时被称为有效。

Since TUKEYHSD is performing all pairwise comparisons for the group means (not just to reference level "listen" anymore), it is also performing p-value adjustments to account for all of these extra tests. 由于TUKEYHSD正在针对组均值执行所有成对比较(不再只是参考级别“监听”),因此它还在执行p值调整以解决所有这些额外测试。 Reason being, if you performed 20 comparisons on random data you'd expect one (1/20 or .05) to be called significant with p < .05 simply because of doing that many tests. 原因是,如果您对随机数据进行了20次比较,则您会因为进行了多次测试而将一个(1/20或.05)称为p < .05 With the p-value adjustment factored in, your originally significant comparison between "listen - read2" no longer qualifies as significant. 计入p值调整后,您原来在“听-读2”之间的显着比较将不再具有显着性。

But the larger difference between "watch2 - read2" (-32.3), which wasn't tested in the original model summary, is large enough to be considered significant with p = .03688 even after doing all of the extra comparison adjusting. 但是“ watch2-read2”(-32.3)之间的较大差异(未经原始模型摘要测试),即使经过所有额外的比较调整后,也足以视为p = .03688显着差异。

Hope that helps, you can read more about the multiple comparrison problem here . 希望能对您有所帮助,您可以在此处阅读更多有关多重同伴关系问题的信息 And see ?p.adjust for R's implementation of the most popular methods. 并参阅?p.adjust?p.adjust R最受欢迎的方法的实现。

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