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[英]Changing the prefab an object is associated with in Unity

I want to change the prefab my object playerPawn is associated with. 我想更改与对象playerPawn关联的预制件。 I tried to do it with this code: 我尝试使用以下代码进行操作:

int i = 0;

PrefabUtility.ConnectGameObjectToPrefab (this.playerPawn, this.playerPawnPrefabs [i]); 



However, the last line is throwing this error: 但是,最后一行抛出此错误:

MissingReferenceException: The object of type 'GameObject' has been destroyed but you are still trying to access it. MissingReferenceException:'GameObject'类型的对象已被破坏,但您仍在尝试访问它。 Your script should either check if it is null or you should not destroy the object. 您的脚本应检查其是否为null或不破坏该对象。

The Debug.Log() showed me that this.playerPawnPrefabs[i] contains the GameObject I'm expecting, so I don't understand where that error comes from. Debug.Log()向我展示了this.playerPawnPrefabs[i]包含了我期望的this.playerPawnPrefabs[i] ,所以我不明白该错误的this.playerPawnPrefabs[i]

Maybe you can try to reassign the return of ConnectGameObjectToPrefab method to your playerPawn object: 也许您可以尝试将ConnectGameObjectToPrefab方法的返回值重新分配给playerPawn对象:

this.playerPawn = PrefabUtility.ConnectGameObjectToPrefab (this.playerPawn, this.playerPawnPrefabs [i]);

Then you can call ResetToPrefabState method. 然后,您可以调用ResetToPrefabState方法。

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