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从Telerik Web Test中的Windows对话框中选择文件

[英]Selecting a file from a windows dialog box in Telerik Web Test


Hi guys, 嗨,大家好,

Is it possible to select a file from a dialog box when we are running a web test in Telerik Test Studio? 在Telerik Test Studio中运行网络测试时,是否可以从对话框中选择文件? The scenario of this execution is when we click a field in a web browser, a windows dialog box pops out and we would need to input a path to a local folder and select a file(SelectFile.PNG). 执行此方案的场景是,当我们单击Web浏览器中的字段时,弹出一个Windows对话框,我们需要输入本地文件夹的路径并选择一个文件(SelectFile.PNG)。

But I'm unable to detect any element from this dialog box presuming this is because the test script is a web test and hence this limitation(do correct me if i'm wrong). 但是我无法从此对话框中检测到任何元素,假设这是因为测试脚本是Web测试,因此存在此限制(如果我错了,请纠正我)。

Is there any workaround or suggestion to this limitation? 是否有任何解决方法或对此限制的建议?

Many many thanks! 非常感谢!

Best Regards, 最好的祝福,

Pravin 普拉文

praja@dongenergy.dk praja@dongenergy.dk

Kind of a late response but if your recording is enabled, it should automatically record the step for a File Upload dialog box (and handle it appropriately when using play back). 反应较晚,但如果启用了录制功能,它将自动记录“文件上载”对话框的步骤(并在使用播放时适当处理)。

Alternatively, you can manually add the "Dialogs->FileUpload" step, and fill in the properties appropriately. 另外,您可以手动添加“对话框-> FileUpload”步骤,并适当地填写属性。

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