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[英]sql select top 10 values from database

I have a table called articles, each article has a rating value. 我有一个叫做文章的表,每篇文章都有一个评级值。 I want to select * from the ten articles with the highest rating. 我想从评价最高的十篇文章中选择*。

something along these lines 沿着这些方向的东西

    $query = "SELECT TOP 10 rating FROM articles ORDER BY rating DESC";

I am confused about the TOP 10 part, I would usualy have SELECT * FROM 我对TOP 10部分感到困惑,我通常会选择SELECT * FROM

Use LIMIT to do this 使用LIMIT执行此操作

    $query = "SELECT * FROM articles ORDER BY rating DESC LIMIT 10";

Documentation here 文档在这里

你可以通过下面的SQL Query来做到这一点

 SELECT * FROM article ORDER BY rating DECS LIMIT 10;

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