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[英]Count the number of objects of different colors in an image in Python

Here is a figure from which I want to count the number of objects from each color . 这是一张我要从中计算每种颜色的对象数的 图表 What is a simple way of doing this, without using opencv perhaps? 什么是不使用opencv的简单方法?

[Edit 2]: The approach I have tried is the following: (1) Colored objects count [编辑2]:我尝试过的方法如下:(1)有色物体计数

from PIL import Image
im = Image.open('./colored-polka-dots.png').getcolors()
im.sort(key=lambda k: (k[0]), reverse=True)
print('Top 5 colors: {}'.format((im[:5])))

# View non-background colors
color_values = []
for color in im[1:5]:
    arr = np.asarray(color[1]).reshape(1,1,4).astype(np.uint8)
    plt.show() # get top 4 frequent colors as green,blue,pink,ornage

# Create a dict of color names and their corressponding rgba values
color_dict = {}
for color_name,color_val in zip(['green','blue','pink','orange'],color_values):
    color_dict[color_name] = color_val

# Make use of ndimage.measurement.labels from scipy 
# to get the number of distinct connected features that satisfy a given threshold
for color_name,color_val in color_dict.items():
    b = ((img[:,:,0] ==color_val[0]) * (img[:,:,1] ==color_val[1]) * (img[:,:,2] ==color_val[2]))*1
    labeled_array, num_features = scipy.ndimage.measurements.label(b.astype('Int8'))
    print('Color:{} Count:{}'.format(color_name,num_features))

> Output: >输出:

orange: 288

green: 288

pink: 288

blue: 288

Although this achieves the purpose, I want to know if there is a more efficient and elegant way of solving this problem. 尽管这达到了目的,但我想知道是否有更有效,更优雅的方法来解决此问题。

Here's a simpler solution based on scikit-image : 这是一个基于scikit-image的简单解决方案:

Code : 代码

import numpy as np
from skimage import io, morphology, measure
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans

img = io.imread('https://i.stack.imgur.com/du0XZ.png')

rows, cols, bands = img.shape
X = img.reshape(rows*cols, bands)

kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=5, random_state=0).fit(X)
labels = kmeans.labels_.reshape(rows, cols)

for i in np.unique(labels):
    blobs = np.int_(morphology.binary_opening(labels == i))
    color = np.around(kmeans.cluster_centers_[i])
    count = len(np.unique(measure.label(blobs))) - 1
    print('Color: {}  >>  Objects: {}'.format(color, count))

Output : 输出

Color: [ 254.  253.  253.  255.]  >>  Objects: 1
Color: [ 255.  144.   36.  255.]  >>  Objects: 288
Color: [  39.  215.  239.  255.]  >>  Objects: 288
Color: [ 255.   38.  135.  255.]  >>  Objects: 288
Color: [ 192.  231.   80.  255.]  >>  Objects: 288

Remarks : 备注

  • I've clustered colors through KMeans to make the program robust to slight variations in pixel colors. 我已经通过KMeans对颜色进行了KMeans以使该程序健壮到像素颜色略有变化。

  • The RGB coordinates of the cluster centers have been rounded through around just for visualization purposes. 聚类中心的RGB坐标已四舍五入around仅用于可视化目的。

  • I've also performed an opening operation through binary_opening in order to get rid of isolated pixels. 我还通过binary_opening执行了打开操作,以摆脱孤立的像素。

  • It is necessary to subtract 1 from the number of labels yielded by label to take into account only those connected regions with the considered color label. 必须将标签产生的label数量减去1 ,以仅考虑那些带有考虑颜色标签的连接区域。

  • The first line of the output obviously corresponds to the white background. 输出的第一行显然对应于白色背景。

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