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[英]Automatic variable selection – Regression linear model

In the MWE below, I have a data set with 70 potential predictors to explain my variable price1 . 在下面的MWE中,我有一个包含70个潜在预测变量的数据集来解释我的变量price1 I would like to do univariate analysis with all the variables but the package glmulti says that I have too many predictors . 我想对所有变量进行单变量分析,但是glmulti软件包说我的too many predictors How a univariate analysis can have too many predictors? 单变量分析如何有太多的预测变量?

*I could do it by means of a loop / apply but I am looking for something more elaborated. *我可以通过loop / apply但是我正在寻找更详细的内容。 This similar question here doesn't solve the question either. 这种类似的问题在这里没有任何解决的问题。

test <- read.csv(url("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vincentarelbundock/Rdatasets/master/csv/Ecdat/Car.csv"))
glmulti.lm.out <- glmulti(data  = test, price1 ~ .,
                          level = 1,
                          method = "h",
                          maxK = 1,
                          confsetsize = 10,
                          fitfunction = "lm")

Warning message:
In glmulti(y = "price1", data = test, level = 1, maxK = 1, method = "h",  :
  !Too many predictors.

This question is more geared for CrossValidated, but here's my two cents. 这个问题更适合CrossValidated,但这是我的两分钱。 Running an exhaustive search to find the best variables to include in a model is very computationally heavy and gets out of hand really quickly. 进行详尽的搜索以找到要包含在模型中的最佳变量,这在计算上非常繁琐,而且很快就会失控。 Consider what you're asking the computer to do: 考虑您要计算机执行的操作:

When you're running an exhaustive search, the computer is building a model for every possible combination of variables. 当您进行详尽搜索时,计算机会为每种可能的变量组合构建模型。 For a model of size one, that's not too bad because that's only 70 models. 对于尺寸为1的模型,这还不错,因为只有70个模型。 But even for a two variable model, the computer has to run n!/(r!(nr)!) = 70!/(2!(68)!) = 2415 different models. 但是即使对于两个变量模型,计算机也必须运行n!/(r!(nr)!)= 70!/(2!(68)!)= 2415个不同的模型。 Things spiral out of control from there. 事情从那里开始失控。

As a work-around, I'll point you to the leaps package, which has the regsubsets function. 作为变通,我会指出你的leaps包,里面有regsubsets功能。 Then, you can run either a Forward or a Backward subset selection model and find the most important variables in a step-wise manner. 然后,您可以运行“向前”或“向后”子集选择模型,并逐步查找最重要的变量。 After running each, you may be able to toss out the variables that are omitted from each and run your model with fewer predictors using glmulti , but no promises. 在运行完每个变量之后,您可以扔掉每个变量中省略的变量,并使用glmulti以更少的预测变量运行模型,但无需保证。

test.data <-

big_subset_model <- regsubsets(x = price1 ~ ., data = test.data, nbest = 1, 
method = "forward", really.big = TRUE, nvmax = 70)
sum.model <- summary(big_subset_model)

A simple solution for univariate analysis using lapply. 使用lapply进行univariate分析的简单解决方案。

test <- read.csv(url("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vincentarelbundock/Rdatasets/master/csv/Ecdat/Car.csv")) 

reg <- function(indep_var,dep_var,data_source) {
          formula <- as.formula(paste(dep_var," ~ ", indep_var))
          res     <- lm(formula, data = data_source)

lapply(colnames(test), FUN = reg, dep_var = "price1", data_source = test)

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