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[英]How to write the result of IGrouping?

I wrote the following LINQ query: 我编写了以下LINQ查询:

public IEnumerable DailyReturns()
    var a =  from exec in executions
             group exec by exec.TimeStamp.Date into execGroup
             select new { TimeStamp = execGroup.Key, CashFlow = execGroup.Sum(e => e.CashFlow())};
    return a;

I get a Unhandled Exception: System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid. 我收到未处理的异常: System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid.的强制转换System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid. when I try to: 当我尝试:

foreach (KeyValuePair<DateTime, double> p in s.Executions.DailyReturns())
    Console.WriteLine(p.Key.ToString() + ',' + p.Value.ToString());

Executions is a List<Execution> . 执行是一个List<Execution>

Execution class has the following relevant fields: 执行类具有以下相关字段:

public DateTime TimeStamp { get; set; }
public double CashFlow()
    return Price * Quantity * -1;

You are returning an anonymous type rather than KeyValuePair<DateTime,double> . 您将返回匿名类型,而不是KeyValuePair<DateTime,double>

You can fix this by adding an appropriate type to the method: 您可以通过在方法中添加适当的类型来解决此问题:

public IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<DateTime,double>> DailyReturns() {
    return   from exec in executions
             group exec by exec.TimeStamp.Date into execGroup
             select new KeyValuePair<DateTime,double>(
             ,   execGroup.Sum(e => e.CashFlow())

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