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Matlab - MatConvNet 的 CuDNN 错误

[英]Matlab - CuDNN Error with MatConvNet

I am trying to use Matlab and Matconvnet for Deep Learning and particularly to work on this implementation : Finding Tiny Faces .我正在尝试使用 Matlab 和 Matconvnet 进行深度学习,特别是在这个实现上工作: Finding Tiny Faces

I am working on Ubuntu 16.04, with Cuda 9 (GTX 1080Ti).我正在使用 Cuda 9 (GTX 1080Ti) 开发 Ubuntu 16.04。 For the implementation, I am using Matlab R2017b.对于实现,我使用的是 Matlab R2017b。 I have follow the instructions to install and compile Matconvnet vl_compilenn('enableImreadJpeg', true) and I have passed the furnished test.我已经按照说明安装和编译 Matconvnet vl_compilenn('enableImreadJpeg', true)并且我已经通过了提供的测试。

When I try to run the first function bboxes = tiny_face_detector('data/demo/selfie.jpg', './selfie.png', 0.5, 0.1, 1) I have an error with CuDNN :当我尝试运行第一个函数bboxes = tiny_face_detector('data/demo/selfie.jpg', './selfie.png', 0.5, 0.1, 1)我有一个 CuDNN 错误:

Error using vl_nnconv
forward: cuDNN error [cudnn:

Error in dagnn.Conv/forward (line 11)
      outputs{1} = vl_nnconv(...

Error in dagnn.Layer/forwardAdvanced (line 85)
      outputs = obj.forward(inputs, {net.params(par).value}) ;

Error in dagnn.DagNN/eval (line 91)
  obj.layers(l).block.forwardAdvanced(obj.layers(l)) ;

Error in tiny_face_detector (line 130)

Do you have any idea how to solve this ?你知道如何解决这个问题吗?
Thank you very much in advance.非常感谢您提前。

Most probably, your CPU setting is still on.最有可能的是,您的 CPU 设置仍在运行。 If you have changed that to GPU, the images and and params of the network need to be of type gpuArray.如果您已将其更改为 GPU,则网络的图像和参数必须为 gpuArray 类型。

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