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在 Python Plotly 中按分类组绘图

[英]Plot by Categorical Group in Python Plotly

I have a pandas dataframe with only 5 variables.我有一个只有 5 个变量的 Pandas 数据框。 I want to create a scatter plot and color by a categorical variable.我想通过分类变量创建散点图和颜色。 I'm using plotly so I can zoon in to specific regions.我正在使用 plotly,所以我可以放大到特定区域。 Plotly doesn't allow me to pass a list of categorical variables as a color. Plotly 不允许我将分类变量列表作为颜色传递。 Thank you in advance!先感谢您! Here is my code:这是我的代码:

import plotly.graph_objs as go
import plotly.plotly as py
import plotly.tools

plotly.tools.set_credentials_file(username='user', api_key='key')

trace1 = go.Scatter(
    x = df['var1'],
    y = df['var2'],
        color = df['categorialVar'], #set color equal to a variable
data = [trace1]

py.iplot(data, filename='scatter-plot-with-colorscale')

Had this problem recently and made a solution:最近遇到了这个问题并提出了解决方案:

def get_random_qualitative_color_map(
        categorial_series: pd.Series,
        colors: typing.List[str] = plotly_colors.qualitative.Alphabet
) -> typing.List[str]:
    Returns a color coding for a given series (one color for every unique value). Will repeat colors if not enough are
    :param categorial_series: A series of categorial data
    :param colors: color codes (everything plotly accepts)
    :return: Array of colors matching the index of the objects
    # get unique identifiers
    unique_series = categorial_series.unique()

    # create lookup table - colors will be repeated if not enough
    color_lookup_table = dict((value, color) for (value, color) in zip(unique_series, itertools.cycle(colors)))

    # look up the colors in the table
    return [color_lookup_table[key] for key in categorial_series]
  • The solution repeats colors if the color array is empty如果颜色数组为空,则解决方案重复颜色
  • Can be used with any color palette (in this case plot.ly Alphabet is the default)可以与任何调色板一起使用(在这种情况下 plot.ly Alphabet 是默认值)


unique_series = categorial_series.unique()

First we get the unique values in the series.首先,我们获得系列中的唯一值。 Everyone of them will be matched to a color.他们每个人都会匹配一种颜色。

color_lookup_table = dict((value, color) for (value, color) in zip(unique_series, itertools.cycle(colors)))

Next we will create a dict (functions as a lookup table - we can look up which color belongs to which category element. The tricky part here is the use of itertools.cycle(colors) . This function will return an iterator that will always cycle all the values in the given iterable (in this case a list of colors as defined by plot.ly).接下来我们将创建一个 dict(用作查找表 - 我们可以查找哪种颜色属于哪个类别元素。这里棘手的部分是使用itertools.cycle(colors) 。该函数将返回一个始终循环的迭代器给定迭代中的所有值(在这种情况下是由 plot.ly 定义的颜色列表)。

Next we gonna zip this iterator and the actual unique items.接下来我们将zip这个迭代器和实际的唯一项。 This creates pairs of (unique_item, color).这将创建成对 (unique_item, color)。 We get the nice effect of never running out of colors (because the cycle iterator will run endlessly).我们得到了永远不会用完颜色的好效果(因为循环迭代器将无休止地运行)。 Meaning the returned dict will have len(unique_series) items.这意味着返回的 dict 将有len(unique_series)项。

[color_lookup_table[key] for key in categorial_series]

Lastly we look up each entry in the series in the lookup table using a list comprehension.最后,我们使用列表推导在查找表中查找系列中的每个条目。 This creates a list of colors for the data points.这将创建数据点的颜色列表。 The list can then be used as an parameter for the color argument in the marker dict in any plotly.graphics_object .然后,该列表可以用作任何plotly.graphics_object标记字典中的color参数的参数。

So instead of continuing to look for a solution with plotly I stayed with the seaborn visualization library and added '%matplotlib notebook' which worked great and is easy.因此,我没有继续寻找 plotly 的解决方案,而是继续使用 seaborn 可视化库,并添加了“%matplotlib notebook”,它工作得很好而且很容易。

%matplotlib notebook

# Plot t-SNE
sns.set_context("notebook", font_scale=1.1)

       scatter_kws={"s":200, "alpha":0.3})

plt.title('Plot Title', weight='bold').set_fontsize('14')
plt.xlabel('Dimension 1', weight='bold').set_fontsize('10')
plt.ylabel('Dimension 2', weight='bold').set_fontsize('10')

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