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[英]Calculating importance of independent variable in explaining variance of dependent variable in linear regression

I am working on a Media Mix Modeling (MMM) project where I have to build linear model for predicting traffic factoring in various spends as input variables. 我正在从事媒体混合建模(MMM)项目,在该项目中,我必须构建线性模型来预测各种支出中的流量因数作为输入变量。 I have got the linear model equation which is: 我得到的线性模型方程为:

Traffic = 1918 + 0.08*TV_Spend + 0.01*Print_Spend + 0.05*Display_spend

I want to calculate two things which I don't know how to do: 我想计算两件事,我不知道该怎么做:

  1. How much each variable is contributing in explaining variance of traffic? 每个变量在解释流量变化方面有多大作用?
  2. What percentage of total traffic is due to each independent variable? 每个自变量会导致总流量的百分之多少?

I think this question is already been answered several times at several places (a duplicate?); 我认为这个问题已经在多个地方得到了多次回答(重复吗?);

For example see: 例如,请参见:

https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/79399/calculate-variance-explained-by-each-predictor-in-multiple-regression-using-r https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/79399/calculate-variance-explained-by-each-predictor-in-multiple-regression-using-r

You also may want to compute the standardized regression coefs (first standardize the variables and next rerun the regression analysis) to find out which independent variable has the largest effect on the dependent variable (if significant, I would like to add). 您可能还需要计算标准化回归系数(首先标准化变量,然后重新运行回归分析),以找出哪个自变量对因变量的影响最大(如果重要,我想补充一下)。 I think the interpretation of standardized regression weights is more intuitively than considering the explained variance. 我认为标准化回归权重的解释比考虑解释的方差更直观。

Cheers, Peter 干杯,彼得

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