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[英]Unoconv and IIS perimission issues

Looking for some advise on setting up Unoconv on IIS. 寻找有关在IIS上设置Unoconv的建议。

I am trying to run this via PHP but I get the following error. 我正在尝试通过PHP运行此程序,但出现以下错误。

Verbosity set to level 3
Using office base path: C:\Program Files\LibreOffice
Using office binary path: C:\Program Files\LibreOffice\program
DEBUG: Connection type: socket,host=,port=2002,tcpNoDelay=1;urp;StarOffice.ComponentContext
DEBUG: Existing listener not found.
DEBUG: Launching our own listener using C:\Program Files\LibreOffice\program\soffice.exe.
LibreOffice listener arguments are ['C:\\Program Files\\LibreOffice\\program\\soffice.exe', '--headless', '--invisible', '--nocrashreport', '--nodefault', '--nofirststartwizard', '--nologo', '--norestore', '--accept=socket,host=,port=2002,tcpNoDelay=1;urp;StarOffice.ComponentContext'].
LibreOffice listener successfully started. (pid=8808)
Failed to connect to C:\Program Files\LibreOffice\program\soffice.exe (pid=8808) in 6 seconds.
Connector : couldn't connect to socket (WSAECONNREFUSED, Connection refused)
Error: Unable to connect or start own listener. Aborting.
  • If I run the following command in CMD unoconv --listener prior to running the PHP script to convert the file everything works as expected, but I do not want to manage the listener creation process myself as unoconv should do this. 如果在运行PHP脚本以转换文件之前在CMD unoconv --listener运行以下命令,一切将按预期工作,但是我不想自己管理监听器创建过程,因为unoconv应该这样做。

  • If I switch the App Pool Identity to LocalSystem everything works the listener gets created and file conversion work, but this is giving too much access. 如果我将应用程序池标识切换为LocalSystem一切正常,将创建侦听器并进行文件转换,但这将提供过多的访问权限。

Any Ideas as to what I need to configure to get this to work via the usual ApplicationPoolIdentity ? 关于需要通过常规ApplicationPoolIdentity使它正常工作的任何想法?

Thank you 谢谢



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