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[英]swmr capability of hdf5 and therefore also of h5py

I am suffering from a shortcoming of h5py its swmr (single write multiple read) capability as described in an issue on github . 我遇到了h5py的swmr(单写多读)功能的缺点,如github上的一个问题所述。 The issue is labelled with 'bug-in-external-lib' which suggests that the shortcoming is located at the underlying hdf5 library rather than in h5py itself. 该问题标有“ bug-in-external-lib”,表明该缺陷位于基础hdf5库而不是h5py本身。 I wonder if there is any interest from the hdf5 maintainers to change that. 我想知道hdf5维护者是否有兴趣改变它。 Hdf5 has a bitbucket repository with a branch called 'full_swmr'. HDF5具有一个带有名为“ full_swmr”的分支的位桶存储库 Does anybody know how mature this branch is? 有人知道这个分支有多成熟吗? Is there a chance to see full swmr in hdf5 in the nearer future? 是否有机会在不久的将来在hdf5中看到完整的swmr?

I also posted the question in the HDF5 group forum and just got a reply that includes answers to both of my questions (thank you Elena). 我还在HDF5论坛上发布了该问题,并得到了包含我两个问题答案的答复(谢谢Elena)。

Concerning the first question : the 'full_swmr' branch is stable but it does not resolve the mentioned github issue. 关于第一个问题 :'full_swmr'分支是稳定的,但不能解决提到的github问题。 Concerning the second question : the HDF5 Group is interested in achieving full swmr support. 关于第二个问题 :HDF5组有兴趣获得全面的swmr支持。 In fact they started to work on a implementation to provide exactly that. 实际上,他们开始致力于实现这一目标的实现。 This implementation will also resolve the github issue mentioned in the question above. 此实现还将解决上述问题中提到的github问题。 To my understanding the HDF5 Group just kicked the project off and it is not yet foreseeable when the implementation will be made public. 据我了解,HDF5组刚刚启动了该项目,尚无法预知何时将其公开发布。

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