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[英]How to Draw a three-dimensional graph in R

f(x,y)= (1/25)*(20-x)/x   10<x<20, x/2 <y <x
        0                   o.t

I have to create this image through this expression. 我必须通过此表达式创建此图像。 在此处输入图片说明

but 在此处输入图片说明

x <- seq(10, 20, length=20)
y <- seq(10, 20, length=20)
f <- function(x,y){(1/25)*(20-x)/5}
z <- outer(x,y,f)
persp(x,y,z,theta=30,phi=30, expand=0.5,col=rainbow(19), border=NA)

what is wrong? 怎么了?

You should mask z based on the constraint. 您应该根据约束屏蔽z As a suggestion, you can use an amazing interactive rgl package in R. 作为建议,您可以在R中使用出色的交互式rgl软件包。

#source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50079316/plot3d-how-to-change-z-axis-surface-color-to-heat-map-color
map2color <- function(x, pal, limits = range(x,na.rm=T)){
  pal[findInterval(x, seq(limits[1], limits[2], length.out = length(pal) + 1), 

x <- seq(10, 20, length=20)
y <- seq(10, 20, length=20)
mask <- sapply(x,function(m) sapply(y,function(n) if((n>m/2)&(n<m)){(1/25)*(20-m)/5}else{ NA }))
z <- outer(x,y,f)
z <- z * mask
#persp(x,y,z, col= map2color(z, rainbow(100)),border = NA)
persp3d(x,y,z,col = map2color(z, rainbow(100)),theta=30,phi=30)

在此处输入图片说明 在此处输入图片说明

@SRhm's answer is probably the best choice, but if you want to live on the bleeding edge, you can get rid of the jagged diagonal edge using a development version of rgl (from R-forge), at least version 0.100.8. @SRhm的答案可能是最好的选择,但是如果您想住在最前沿,可以使用rgl (来自R- rgl的开发版本(至少为0.100.8版)摆脱锯齿状的对角线边缘。

This version supports triangulations with boundaries using the tripack package. 此版本使用tripack软件包支持带边界的三角剖分。 So you set up a grid of values over the xy range, then define the boundaries of the region using the equations, and you get smooth edges. 因此,您可以建立一个xy范围内的值网格,然后使用这些方程式定义区域的边界,从而获得平滑的边缘。 For example: 例如:

g <- expand.grid(x=10:20, y=5:20)
keep <- with(g, 10 < x & x < 20 & x/2 < y & y < x)
g2 <- g[keep,]
tri <- tri.mesh(g2)

# Set up boundary constraints
cx <- c(10:20, 20: 10)
cy <- c(seq(5, 10, len=11), 20:10)
tri2 <- add.constraint(tri, cx, cy, reverse = TRUE)

# This isn't necessary, but shows where the formula will be evaluated


It might be better to fill in some of the left and right edges with more points to avoid those big triangles, but skip that for now. 为了避免那些大三角形,最好在一些左右边缘填充更多的点,以免出现那些大三角形,但是现在跳过。

z <- with(tri2, (1/25)*(20-x)/x)
# Now plot it, using the map2color function @SRhm found:
#source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50079316/plot3d-how-to-change-z-axis-surface-color-to-heat-map-color
map2color <- function(x, pal, limits = range(x,na.rm=T)){
  pal[findInterval(x, seq(limits[1], limits[2], length.out = length(pal) + 1), 
persp3d(tri2, z, col = map2color(z, rainbow(100)))

After rotation, you get this view: 旋转后,您将获得以下视图:


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