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[英]Exponential function return problem -python

I am working on this problem - 我正在解决这个问题-

 modify powerOfTwo() to meet the conditions below
#    - accept 1 integer parameter; an exponent
#    - print to the screen 2 raised to the exponent argument, example:
#    --- "2 to the power of 2 is 4"
#    - also return the result (for the example, you would return 4)

my code is as follows: 我的代码如下:

def powerOfTwo(exp):
    x = int(input("please enter a number for what power of 2: "))
    e = (2**x)
    print("2 to the power of",x, "is: ",e,)

    return (2**x)

When running the program, my professor's code checks my code for accuracy, and I believe it is checking it incorrectly. 运行该程序时,我教授的代码检查我的代码的准确性,并且我认为它检查不正确。 The program returns the following, which includes my own input of "5": 程序返回以下内容,其中包括我自己输入的“ 5”:

please enter a number for what power of 2: 5
2 to the power of 5 is:  32
+3 function call w/ correct # of params is present
+2 return value is correct type: <class 'int'>
-- return value is incorrect
Expected:  64
Returned:  32

The expected value, 64, is obviously incorrect. 期望值64显然是不正确的。 Is something wrong with my code, or with my professors code that is checking my problem? 我的代码或教授的代码在检查我的问题是否有问题? (included below): (包括在下面):

q2s = 0
e = random.randint(3,11)
    print("\nq2-1:  Checking powerOfTwo(" + str(e) + ")")
    p2 = powerOfTwo(e)
    print("+3 function call w/ correct # of params is present")
    score += 3
    q2s += 3
    if isinstance(p2, int):
        print("+2 return value is correct type:",type(p2))
        score += 2
        q2s += 2
        if p2 == (2 ** e):
            print("+2 return value is correct:",p2)
            score += 2
            q2s += 2
            print("-- return value is incorrect")
            print("Expected: ",2 ** e)
            print("Returned: ",p2)

        e = random.randint(12,22)
        print("\nq2-2:  Checking powerOfTwo(" + str(e) + ")")
        p2 = powerOfTwo(e)
        if p2 == (2**e):
            print("+2 return value is correct:",p2)
            score += 2
            q2s += 2
            print("-- return value is incorrect")
            print("Expected: ",2**e)
            print("Returned: ",p2)
        print("-- return value is incorrect type:",type(p2))
    print("**Something is wrong with powerOfTwo()")

Your professor's program generates a random number which is input to your function. 您教授的程序会生成一个随机数字,该数字将输入到您的函数中。 So you can't use 'input' to type your own number. 因此,您不能使用“输入”来输入您自己的号码。 You have to use the value 'exp'. 您必须使用值'exp'。

Your professor's code generates a random number and puts it into the function. 您教授的代码会生成一个随机数,并将其放入函数中。 In order to check that the function is running correctly, you just need to enter the random number that is generated. 为了检查功能是否正常运行,您只需要输入生成的随机数即可。

Additionally, it seems that you haven't initialized score in what you provided: 此外,您似乎还没有初始化所提供的分数:

q2s = 0
e = random.randint(3,11)

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