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[英]is there a way to limit how much gets submitted to a Pool of workers?

I have a Pool of workers and use apply_async to submit work to them. 我有一个工作人员池,并使用apply_async向他们提交工作。 I do not care for the result of the function applied to each item. 我不在乎应用于每个项目的功能的结果。 The pool seems to accept any number of apply_async calls, no matter how large the data or how quickly the workers can keep up with the work. 该池似乎可以接受任意数量的apply_async调用,无论数据有多大或工作人员可以跟上多少时间。

Is there a way to make apply_async block as soon as a certain number of items are waiting to be processed? 是否有一种方法可以在等待一定数量的项目处理时立即使apply_async块? I am sure internally, the pool is using a Queue, so it would be trivial to just use a maximum size for the Queue? 我确定在内部,该池正在使用一个队列,因此仅对队列使用最大大小会很琐碎?

If this is not supported, would it make sense to submit a big report because this look like very basic functionality and rather trivial to add? 如果不支持此功能,那么提交大报告是否有意义,因为这看起来非常基本,添加起来却很琐碎?

It would be a shame if one had to essentially re-implement the whole logic of Pool just to make this work. 如果为了完成这项工作而不得不本​​质上重新实现Pool的整个逻辑,那将是可耻的。

Here is some very basic code: 这是一些非常基本的代码:

from multiprocessing import Pool
    # process the item (for side effects, no return value needed)

pool = Pool(nprocesses)
for work in getmorework():
    # this should block if we already have too many work waiting!        
    pool.apply_async(dowork, (work,))

So something like this? 像这样吗?

import multiprocessing
import time

worker_count = 4
mp = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=worker_count)
workers = [None] * worker_count

while True:
        for i in range(worker_count):
            if workers[i] is None or workers[i].ready():
                workers[i] = mp.apply_async(dowork, args=next(getmorework()))
    except StopIteration:

I dunno how fast you're expecting each worker to finish, the time.sleep may or may not be necessary or might need to be a different time or whatever. 我不知道您期望每个工作人员完成的速度有多快, time.sleep可能是必需的,也可能不是,或者可能需要一个不同的时间。

an alternative might be to use Queue 's directly: 一种替代方法是直接使用Queue

from multiprocessing import Process, JoinableQueue
from time import sleep
from random import random

def do_work(i):
    print(f"worker {i}")
    print(f"done {i}")

def worker():
    while True:
        item = q.get()
        if item is None:

def generator(n):
    for i in range(n):
        print(f"gen {i}")
        yield i

# 1 = allow generator to get this far ahead
q = JoinableQueue(1)

# 2 = maximum amount of parallelism
procs = [Process(target=worker) for _ in range(2)]
# and get them running
for p in procs:
    p.daemon = True

# schedule 10 items for processing
for item in generator(10):

# wait for jobs to finish executing

# signal workers to finish up
for p in procs:
# wait for workers to actually finish
for p in procs:

mostly stolen from example Python's queue module: 大部分是从示例Python的queue模块中偷来的:

https://docs.python.org/3/library/queue.html#queue.Queue.join https://docs.python.org/3/library/queue.html#queue.Queue.join

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