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[英]Is there a good way to display map tiles dynamic and real time?

Ⅰ using python-mapnik(linux)+postgis Ⅰ使用python-mapnik(linux)+ postgis

I've tried using mapnik to show big data(aboult more than 600,0000 polygon features with much points in postgis),I display it real time from python service without cache. 我尝试使用mapnik显示大数据(在postgis中至少有600,0000个具有很多点的多边形要素),我从python服务中实时显示它而没有缓存。 but i meet the problem: 1.At the beginning,load table from database lost much time 2.when I zoom to 12level,map tile will loading slowly 但是我遇到了问题:1.一开始,从数据库中加载表浪费了很多时间2.当我缩放到12级时,地图图块会缓慢加载

Ⅱ using python(flask)+postgis(MVT)+mapbox-gl Ⅱ使用python(flask)+ postgis(MVT)+ mapbox-gl

1.display 100,0000 features(simple polygon) so fast,but display big data(aboult more than 600,0000 polygon features with much points in postgis),i find selet query need much time. 1.如此快速地显示100,000个要素(简单多边形),但是显示大数据(在postgis中显示超过600,000个具有很多点的多边形要素),我发现selet查询需要很多时间。 it's slowly than mapnik 比mapnik慢

Now I don't know how to complete my research about displaying big vector tiles fast and realtime!! 现在我不知道如何完成有关快速实时显示大矢量图块的研究!

Is there a persion like me who are interested in quickly displaying data??Any help or suggestion would be appreciated! 是否有像我这样对快速显示数据感兴趣的专家?我们将不胜感激! At last ,forgive my poor English descrption. 最后,请原谅我可怜的英语水平。

some information about vector tiles I've found,maybe is useful to somebody like me: 我发现的有关矢量拼贴的一些信息,可能对像我这样的人有用:

You may want to reduce as much as possible the amount of data being transferred from your database to your rendering engine. 您可能希望尽可能减少从数据库传输到呈现引擎的数据量。

This blog post from CARTO may give you some ideas even it's focused in point data. CARTO的这篇博客文章甚至可以将重点放在点数据上,也可以为您提供一些想法。

For polygon datasets, in order to reduce the amount of data moved to the renderer you may want to create simplified versions to use based on the zoom level. 对于多边形数据集,为了减少移动到渲染器的数据量,您可能需要基于缩放级别创建要使用的简化版本。 Mapshaper is a nice tool to simplify polygons but still retain their topology. Mapshaper是简化多边形但仍保留其拓扑的好工具。 And in any case, always combine ST_RemoveRepeatedPoints with ST_SnapToGrid to be sure you are not wasting rendering CPU with wasted pixels. 在任何情况下,请始终将ST_RemoveRepeatedPointsST_SnapToGrid结合使用,以确保不会浪费像素浪费渲染CPU。

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