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Unity 3D如何从REST API获取/发布列表

[英]Unity 3D how to get/post a list from REST API

Im having a problem with get/post a list from/to REST server with Unity 3D and C#. 我在使用Unity 3D和C#从REST服务器获取列表/向REST服务器发布列表时遇到问题。

My server: 我的服务器:

from flask import Flask, jsonify
import requests, json

app = Flask(__name__)
url = ""
list = ["1","2","3","4"]

def index():
    return "Hello"
@app.route('/list', methods=['GET'])
def get_tasks():
    return jsonify(list)
if __name__ == '__main__':
    app.run(host="", port = 5000,debug=True)

How do i Download the list of objects in Unity and save it to a variable? 如何在Unity中下载对象列表并将其保存到变量中? Also how do i post/update another list? 另外,我该如何发布/更新另一个列表? https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/UnityWebRequest-CreatingDownloadHandlers.html https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/UnityWebRequest-CreatingDownloadHandlers.html

with this tutorial i got the "Hello" text returnet but it only returns "1" when using 在本教程中,我得到了“ Hello”文本返回键,但使用时它仅返回“ 1”

byte[] results = www.downloadHandler.data;

edit: my Python client: 编辑:我的Python客户端:

import json 
import requests

list = " "
api_url = 'http://ipaddress:5000/list/'
r = requests.get(url = api_url, json=list)
a = r.content

if "3" in a:
    print "found"

When client is ran, it prints "found" so it returns the wole list. 当客户端运行时,它会打印“找到”,因此它返回错误列表。 in Unity i get: [1,] 在Unity中,我得到:[1,]

You said that the received data is this format: ["1","2", etc.] and you want the data separated by comma in a List. 您说接收的数据是这种格式: ["1","2", etc.]并且您希望在列表中用逗号分隔数据。

First, this is just a text data. 首先,这只是文本数据。 Retrieve the text data from www.downloadHandler.text instead of www.downloadHandler.data . www.downloadHandler.text而不是www.downloadHandler.data检索文本数据。 Remove the [ and ] then split the final string by comma into array or list. 删除[]然后用逗号将最终字符串分成数组或列表。

string results = www.downloadHandler.text;
string trimmed = results.TrimStart('[').TrimEnd(']');
List<string> splitResult = trimmed.Split(',').ToList<string>();

Note that you need to include using System.Linq; 注意,您需要包括using System.Linq; at the top of the code in order to use the ToList function above. 在代码的顶部,以便使用上面的ToList函数。

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