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[英]Saving an image as numpy array

I am not able to load images into numpy array and getting an error like this... 我无法将图像加载到numpy数组中,并得到这样的错误...

ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (175,217,3) into shape (100,100,3) ValueError:无法将形状(175,217,3)的输入数组广播到形状(100,100,3)

The function code: 功能代码:

import cv2
import numpy as np
import os

train_data_dir = '/home/ec2-user/SageMaker/malaria-detection-model/malaria/training'
valid_data_dir = '/home/ec2-user/SageMaker/malaria-detection-model/malaria/validation'

# declare the number of samples in each category
nb_train_samples = 22045 #  training samples
nb_valid_samples = 5513#  validation samples
num_classes = 2
img_rows_orig = 100
img_cols_orig = 100

def load_training_data():
    labels = os.listdir(train_data_dir)
    total = len(labels)

    X_train = np.ndarray((nb_train_samples, img_rows_orig, img_cols_orig, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
    Y_train = np.zeros((nb_train_samples,), dtype='uint8')

    i = 0
    j = 0
    for label in labels:
        image_names_train = os.listdir(os.path.join(train_data_dir, label))
        total = len(image_names_train)
        print(label, total)
        for image_name in image_names_train:
            img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(train_data_dir, label, image_name), cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
            img = np.array([img])
            X_train[i] = img
            Y_train[i] = j

            if i % 100 == 0:
                print('Done: {0}/{1} images'.format(i, total))
            i += 1
        j += 1    
    print('Loading done.')

    np.save('imgs_train.npy', X_train, Y_train)
    return X_train, Y_train

This function is part of the file load_data.py that can be found in malaria_cell_classification_code.zip file from: 该函数是文件load_data.py的一部分,该文件可以从以下位置的malaria_cell_classification_code.zip文件中找到:

https://ceb.nlm.nih.gov/repositories/malaria-datasets/ https://ceb.nlm.nih.gov/repositories/malaria-datasets/

I tried to change X_train and Y_train to list instead of numpy array. 我试图将X_train和Y_train更改为列表,而不是numpy数组。 The function halts at np.save method. 该函数在np.save方法处停止。

X_train = Y_train = list()

What is the correct and standard way to save images in numpy? 在numpy中保存图像的正确和标准方法是什么?

After resizing the image, I get different error: 调整图像大小后,出现不同的错误:

Done: 19400/9887 images
Done: 19500/9887 images
Done: 19600/9887 images
Done: 19700/9887 images
Done: 19800/9887 images
Loading done.
Transform targets to keras compatible format.
Done: 19800/9887 images
Loading done.
Transform targets to keras compatible format.
Creating validation images...
Parasitized 1098
error                                     Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-6-8008be74f482> in <module>()
      2 #load data for training
      3 X_train, Y_train = load_resized_training_data(img_rows, img_cols)
----> 4 X_valid, Y_valid = load_resized_validation_data(img_rows, img_cols)
      5 #print the shape of the data
      6 print(X_train.shape, Y_train.shape, X_valid.shape, Y_valid.shape)

~/SageMaker/malaria-detection-model/malaria_cell_classification_code/load_data.py in load_resized_validation_data(img_rows, img_cols)
    103 def load_resized_validation_data(img_rows, img_cols):
--> 105     X_valid, Y_valid = load_validation_data()
    107     # Resize images

~/SageMaker/malaria-detection-model/malaria_cell_classification_code/load_data.py in load_validation_data()
     76             img = np.array([img])
---> 77             img2 = cv2.resize(img, (100, 100))
     78             X_valid[i] = img2
     79             Y_valid[i] = j

error: OpenCV(4.0.0) /io/opencv/modules/imgproc/src/resize.cpp:3427: error: (-215:Assertion failed) !dsize.empty() in function 'resize'

Creating validation images...
Parasitized 1098
error                                     Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-6-8008be74f482> in <module>()
      2 #load data for training
      3 X_train, Y_train = load_resized_training_data(img_rows, img_cols)
----> 4 X_valid, Y_valid = load_resized_validation_data(img_rows, img_cols)
      5 #print the shape of the data
      6 print(X_train.shape, Y_train.shape, X_valid.shape, Y_valid.shape)

~/SageMaker/malaria-detection-model/malaria_cell_classification_code/load_data.py in load_resized_validation_data(img_rows, img_cols)
    103 def load_resized_validation_data(img_rows, img_cols):
--> 105     X_valid, Y_valid = load_validation_data()
    107     # Resize images

~/SageMaker/malaria-detection-model/malaria_cell_classification_code/load_data.py in load_validation_data()
     76             img = np.array([img])
---> 77             img2 = cv2.resize(img, (100, 100))
     78             X_valid[i] = img2
     79             Y_valid[i] = j

error: OpenCV(4.0.0) /io/opencv/modules/imgproc/src/resize.cpp:3427: error: (-215:Assertion failed) !dsize.empty() in function 'resize'

The complete script can be found here... 完整的脚本可以在这里找到...

https://gist.github.com/shantanuo/cfe0913b367647890451f5ae3f6fb691 https://gist.github.com/shantanuo/cfe0913b367647890451f5ae3f6fb691

opencv2 already returns a numpy array. opencv2已经返回一个numpy数组。 Don't make a new one, especially not one with an additional level of nesting: 不要创建新的嵌套,尤其是不要嵌套更多的嵌套:

img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(train_data_dir, label, image_name), cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
img = cv2.resize(img, (100, 100))

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