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[英]LibGDX: Max screen width

I'm trying to limit the end of the screen so that the sprite (base) when it reaches the end of the screen does not exceed. 我试图限制屏幕的末端,以使到达屏幕末端的子画面(底部)不超过。

public void create () {
    rectangleBase = new Rectangle();
    endScreen = new Rectangle();
    startScreen = new Rectangle();
    base = new Texture("base1.png");
    deviceHeight = Gdx.graphics.getHeight();
    deviceWidth = Gdx.graphics.getWidth();
    posYBase = (deviceHeight * 20) / 100;

public void render () {

// Here it is used to move the base in pos X with the touch
// I need to make the collision in that method or create another?
void moveBase(){
    posXBase = Gdx.input.getX();
    if(Intersector.overlaps(rectangleBase, endScreen)){
       // Do something

void drawBase(){
    spriteBatch.draw(base, posXBase, posYBase);

void createCollision(){
    rectangleBase.set(posXBase, posYBase, base.getWidth(),base.getHeight());
    endScreen.set(deviceWidth - 1, 0, 1, deviceHeight);
    startScreen.set(1 + 1, 0, 1, deviceHeight);

How can I limit the posX of the base so it does not exceed the end of the screen? 如何限制基座的posX,使其不超出屏幕末端?

Insert this in your moveBase() method instead of the if(Intersector...) statement: 将此插入到您的moveBase()方法中,而不是if(Intersector...)语句中:

//If the base exceed on the right side
if(Gdx.graphics.getWidth() < posXBase + rectangleBase.getWidth()){
    //set the posXBase as far right as possible without exceed
    posXBase = Gdx.graphics.getWidth() - rectangleBase.getWidth();
//If the base exceed on the left side
else if(posXBase < 0)
    //Set the posXBase to 0
    posXBase = 0;

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