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[英]unable to find the correct exception

I use py2neo to insert data from a json. 我使用py2neo从json插入数据。 Everything works perfects. 一切正常。

But I was unable to find in the documentation the information related to this exception. 但是我无法在文档中找到与此异常相关的信息。

neo4j.exceptions.ConstraintError: Node(0) already exists with label `Documents` and property `itemid` = '994263771'

I was trying with 我正在尝试

except py2neo.database.status.ConstraintError

But this only work with py2neo 3.x 但这仅适用于py2neo 3.x

You apparently have a uniqueness constraint on the itemid property of the Documents label. 您显然在“ Documents标签的itemid属性上具有唯一性约束 Therefore, whenever neo4j detects that you are trying to create a new Documents node with the same itemid value as an existing Documents node, it is throwing an exception indicating a constraint violation. 因此,每当Neo4j的检测到您正试图创建一个新的Documents具有相同节点itemid值作为现有Documents节点,它抛出一个异常,指示违反约束。

You should use the merge method instead of create . 您应该使用merge方法而不是create

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