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[英]Cube Root using iterations and bisection

I am trying to find the cube root of a number by bisecting it and then narrowing it down. 我试图通过将数字二等分然后缩小范围来找到它的立方根。 I have the program for the square root in that way, but the cube root method simply continues to loop and never gives an answer. 我以这种方式有平方根的程序,但是立方根方法只是继续循环而从未给出答案。 I am not sure where I have gone wrong and need some advice. 我不确定我哪里出错了,需要一些建议。

public class myFunc
    public static double squareRoot(double value, double precision)
        double low, high, middle;
        high = 1;
        low = value;
        middle = (high + low) / 2;
        Console.WriteLine("{0,20:n12}{1,20:n12}{2,20:n12}", low, middle, high);
        while ((high-low)>precision)
            if ((middle * middle) <value)
                low = middle;
                high = middle;
            middle = (high + low) / 2;
            Console.WriteLine("{0,20:n12}{1,20:n12}{2,20:n12}", low, middle, high);
        return (middle);

    public static double cubeRoot(double value, double precision)
        double low, high, middle;

        high = value;
        low = 1;
        middle = (high + low) / 3;
        Console.WriteLine("{0,20:n12} {1,20:n12} {2,20:n12}", low, middle, high);
        while ((high - low) > precision)
            if ((middle * middle*middle)>value)

                high = middle;

                low = middle;
            middle = (high + low) / 3;
            Console.WriteLine("{0,20:n12} {1,20:n12} {2,20:n12}", low, middle, high);
        return (middle);

middle = (high + low) / 3; let's say high is 10, low is 8, middle is... 6? 假设高是10,低是8,中是... 6? Isn't that outside the range you wanted? 这不是您想要的范围吗?

The middle should still be (high + low) / 2 , what is making this search for the third root is just the (middle * middle*middle)>value test. 中间值仍应为(high + low) / 2 ,此搜索第三个根的原因只是(middle * middle*middle)>value测试。

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