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[英]Using xarray to change coordinate system in order to Slice operation

I am new here. 我刚来这地方。 first on all, I am very thankful for your time and consideration. 首先,我非常感谢您的时间和考虑。 I have 2 questions regarding to managing 2 different netcdf files in python. 关于在python中管理2个不同的netcdf文件,我有2个问题。 I searched a lot but unfortunately I couldn't find a solution. 我搜索了很多但不幸的是我找不到解决方案。

1- I have a netcdf file which has coordinates like below: 1-我有一个netcdf文件,其坐标如下:

time     datetime64[ns] 2016-08-16T22:00:00
* y        (y) int32 220000  ...  620000
* x        (x) int32 20000  ...  720000
 lat      (y, x) float64 dask.array<shape=(401, 701), 
 lon      (y, x) float64 dask.array<shape=(401, 701),

I need to change coords to lon/lat in order that I can slice an area based on specific lon/lat coords (by using xarray). 我需要将coords更改为lon / lat,以便我可以根据特定的lon / lat坐标切片区域(通过使用xarray)。 But I don't know how to change x and y to lon lat. 但我不知道如何将x和y改为lon lat。 here my code: 我的代码:

import xarray as xr
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
p = "R_201608.nc"
ds = xr.open_mfdataset(p)

2- Similar to 1, I have another netcdf file which has coordinates like below: 2-与1类似,我有另一个netcdf文件,其坐标如下:

   * X           (X) float32 557600.0 .. 579400.0
   * Y           (Y) float32 5190600 ... 5205400.0
   * time        (time) datetime64[ns] 2007-01I

How can I convert x and y to lon/lat system in order that I can plot it in lon/lat system? 如何将x和y转换为lon / lat系统,以便我可以在lon / lat系统中绘制它?

Edit related to @Ryan : 1- Yes. 编辑与@Ryan相关: 1-是。 this file demonestrates rainfall over a large area. 这个文件可以在很大范围内降雨。 I want to cut it into smaller area -similar area of file related to q2- and compare them uusing bias, RMSE, etc. here is full information related to this file: 我想将它切割成更小的区域 - 与q2-相关的文件的相似区域,并使用偏差,RMSE等比较它们。这里是与此文件相关的完整信息:

  Dimensions:                  (time: 2976, x: 701, y: 401)
  * time             (time) datetime64[ns] 2016-08-31T23:45:00
  * y          (y) int32 220000 221000  ... 619000 620000
  * x          (x) int32 20000 21000  ... 719000 720000
  lat        (y, x) float64 dask.array<shape=(401, 701),chunksize=(401, 701)>
  lon        (y, x) float64 dask.array<shape=(401, 701), chunksize=(401, 701)

 Data variables:
    RR       (time, y, x) float32 dask.array<shape=(2976, 401, 701),    chunksize=(2976, 401, 701)>
    lambert_conformal_conic  int32 ...

    Conventions:  CF-1.5

edit related to @Ryan :2- And here it is the full information about the second file (Smaller area): 与@Ryan相关的编辑:2-这里是关于第二个文件(较小区域)的完整信息:

   <xarray.DataArray 'Precip' (time: 8928, Y: 75, X: 110)>
   dask.array<shape=(8928, 75, 110), dtype=float32, chunksize=(288, 75, 110)>

      sensor_height_precip  float32 1.5
      sensor_height_P       float32 1.5
      * X                     (X) float32 557600.0 557800.0 ... 579200.0 579400.0
      * Y                     (Y) float32 5190600.0 5190800.0 ... 5205400.0
      * time                  (time) datetime64[ns]  2007-01-31T23:55:00
      grid_mapping:         UTM33N
      ancillary_variables:  QFlag_Precip QGrid_Precip
      long_name:            Precipitation Amount
      standard_name:        precipitation_amount
      cell_methods:         time:sum
      units:                mm

In problem 1), it is not possible to convert lon and lat to dimension coordinates, because they are two-dimensional (both have dimension x, y). 在问题1)中,不可能将lon和lat转换为维度坐标,因为它们是二维的(都具有维度x,y)。 Dimension coordinates, used for slicing, can only be one-dimensional. 用于切片的尺寸坐标只能是一维的。 If you can be more specific about what you want to do after slicing, we can provide more suggestions about how to proceed. 如果您可以更加具体地了解切片后您想要做什么,我们可以提供更多有关如何进行的建议。 Do you want to select a particular latitude / longitude range and then calculate some statistics (eg mean / variance)? 是否要选择特定的纬度/经度范围,然后计算一些统计数据(例如均值/方差)?

In problem 2) it looks like you have a map projection. 问题2)看起来你有一个地图投影。 Without more information about the projection, it is impossible to convert to lat / lon coordinates or plot on a map. 如果没有关于投影的更多信息,则无法转换为纬度/经度坐标或在地图上绘图。 Is there more information contained in your dataset about the map projection used? 您的数据集中是否包含有关所使用的地图投影的更多信息? Can you post the full output of print(ds) ? 你能发布print(ds)的完整输出吗?

I have solved my problem with your help. 我帮你解决了问题。 Thanks a lot. 非常感谢。 I could change the coords of both data sets to lon/lat using PYPROJ as @Bart mentioned. 我可以使用PYPROJ将两个数据集的坐标更改为lon / lat,如@Bart所述。 creating meshgid from original and projected coordinates was the key point. 从原始坐标和投影坐标创建meshgid是关键点。

from pyproj import Proj
nxv,  nyv = np.meshgrid(nx, ny)       
unausp = Proj('+proj=lcc +lat_1=49 +lat_2=46 +lat_0=47.5   +lon_0=13.33333333333333 +x_0=400000 +y_0=400000 +ellps=bessel    +towgs84=577.326,90.129,463.919,5.137,1.474,5.297,2.4232 +units=m +no_defs ')   
nlons, nlats = unausp(nxv, nyv, inverse=True)                                 
upLon,  upLat = np.meshgrid(nlons,nlats)

Since I want to compare two rainfall data sets with different spatial resolution (different grid size), I have to upscale one of them by using xarray interpolation: 由于我想比较具有不同空间分辨率(不同网格大小)的两个降雨数据集,我必须使用xarray插值来升级其中一个:

upnew_lon = np.linspace(w.X[0], w.X[-1], w.dims['X'] // 5) 
upnew_lat = np.linspace(w.Y[0], w.Y[-1], w.dims['Y'] //5) 
uppds = w.interp(Y=upnew_lat, X=upnew_lon)  

AS far as I know, this interpolation is based on linear interpolation. 据我所知,这种插值是基于线性插值的。 I compared upscaled data set with the original one. 我将放大的数据集与原始数据集进行了比较。 The mean of rainfall decreases about 0.03mm/day after upscaling. 升级后降雨量平均减少约0.03毫米/天。 I just want to know do you think this upscaling method for sub-hourly rainfall is reliable? 我只是想知道你认为这种小时降雨的升级方法是否可靠?

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