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[英]Creating a vowel variable for multiple inputs in a loop

I'm trying to create a variable within a loop that will print "an" in a response if the first letter of that response is a vowel. 我正在尝试在循环中创建一个变量,如果该响应的第一个字母是元音,它将在响应中显示“ an”。 Here's my script: 这是我的脚本:

responses = {}

polling_active = True

while polling_active:
    name = input("\nWhat is your name? ")
    response = input("Which kind of sandwich do you want? ")

    if response[0] in ('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U'):
        a_an = "an"
        a_an = "a"

    responses[name] = response

    repeat = input("Would you like to let another person order? (yes/no) ")
    if repeat == 'no':
        polling_active = False

print("\n-- Order --")
for name, response in responses.items():
    print(name + " would like " + a_an + " " + response + " sandwich.")

Here's the output. 这是输出。 When just one order is taken, the variable works, but when multiple orders are taken, the a_an variable remains the same. 仅采用一个顺序时,该变量有效,但是同时采用多个顺序时, a_an变量保持不变。

Python ❯ python3 sandwich_orders.py                                                  ⏎

What is your name? Alex
Which kind of sandwich do you want? egg
Would you like to let another person order? (yes/no) no

-- Order --
Alex would like an egg sandwich.
Python ❯ python3 sandwich_orders.py

What is your name? Alex
Which kind of sandwich do you want? ham
Would you like to let another person order? (yes/no) no

-- Order --
Alex would like a ham sandwich.
Python ❯ python3 sandwich_orders.py

What is your name? Alex
Which kind of sandwich do you want? egg
Would you like to let another person order? (yes/no) yes

What is your name? Steve
Which kind of sandwich do you want? ham
Would you like to let another person order? (yes/no) no

-- Order --
Alex would like a egg sandwich.
Steve would like a ham sandwich.

The issue is that you are not saving the separator (a, an) for each iteration. 问题是您没有为每次迭代保存分隔符(a, an) My solution saves the value within the pre-existing dictionary for use later! 我的解决方案将值保存在现有字典中,供以后使用!

if response[0].lower() in ('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'):#we can also convert to lowercase and check a modified list. Just to shorten, not necessary
        a_an = "an"
        a_an = "a"

    responses[name] = [a_an, response] #modify dict to contain [delimiter, response]

#... other code here

for name, response in responses.items():
    print(name + " would like " + response[0] + " " + response[1] + " sandwich.")
    #where response[0] is our delimiter and response[1] is our type

Welcome to programming! 欢迎编程! You are almost there. 你快到了 Move the 移动

 if response[0] in ('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U'): a_an = "an" else: a_an = "a" 

Inside the for loop before the print. 在打印之前的for循环内。

The problem is that you overwrite your a_an variable each time you make an additional order. 问题是您每次下订单时都会覆盖a_an变量。 You need to save it instead for each order in a batch. 您需要为批次中的每个订单保存它。 One way to do it is to simply concatenate it within the while loop with the response, 一种实现方法是简单地在while循环中将其与响应连接起来,

responses[name] = a_an + ' ' + response 

With this fix the rest of your program remains the same except: 使用此修复程序后,程序的其余部分保持不变,除了:

for name, response in responses.items():
    print(name + " would like " + response + " sandwich.")

You are going to need another list to store the different values of a_an for the different responses. 您将需要另一个列表来存储不同响应的a_an的不同值。 If not, it just takes the value of the last response. 如果不是,则仅获取最后一个响应的值。

I created a little procedure to fix your problem. 我创建了一个小程序来解决您的问题。

name = 'Alex'
#storing the sandwiches types
#new values: types.append('value')
types = ['ham','egg']

for i in range(0,len(types)):

    response = types[i]

    if response[0] in ('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U'):
        a_an = "an"
        a_an = "a"

    print(name + " would like " + a_an + " " + response + " sandwich.")

It's important to keep your evaluation list inside the for loop. 将评估列表保留在for循环中很重要。 Because of the len(types) it will evaluate the expression dinamically for all the elements in the list. 由于len(types),它将对列表中的所有元素进行动态评估表达式。

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