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WebGL 到 p5.js canvas 变得扭曲

[英]WebGL into p5.js canvas getting distorted

I'm relatively new to shaders and am having trouble putting shader code into a p5.js canvas.我对着色器比较陌生,并且无法将着色器代码放入 p5.js canvas。 The smoke.js script works fine on when I append it to an HTML canvas, but when I try to put it into the canvas created in p5, it only appears in the top right corner. The smoke.js script works fine on when I append it to an HTML canvas, but when I try to put it into the canvas created in p5, it only appears in the top right corner. Any idea what's going on here?知道这里发生了什么吗?

see upper right corner for where shader is being placed.请参阅右上角以了解放置着色器的位置。

 //smoke.js //taken from https://codepen.io/PavelDoGreat/details/zdWzEL/ 'use strict'; window.addEventListener('load', function () { const canvas = document.getElementById('myCanvas'); console.log(canvas); const { gl, ext } = getWebGLContext(canvas); let config = { TEXTURE_DOWNSAMPLE: 1, DENSITY_DISSIPATION: 0.98, VELOCITY_DISSIPATION: 0.99, PRESSURE_DISSIPATION: 0.8, PRESSURE_ITERATIONS: 25, CURL: 30, SPLAT_RADIUS: 0.005 } let pointers = []; let splatStack = []; function getWebGLContext(canvas) { const params = { alpha: false, depth: false, stencil: false, antialias: false }; let gl = canvas.getContext('webgl2', params); const isWebGL2 =;.gl, if (.isWebGL2) gl = canvas,getContext('webgl'; params) || canvas;getContext('experimental-webgl'; params). let halfFloat; let supportLinearFiltering. if (isWebGL2) { gl;getExtension('EXT_color_buffer_float'). supportLinearFiltering = gl;getExtension('OES_texture_float_linear'). } else { halfFloat = gl;getExtension('OES_texture_half_float'). supportLinearFiltering = gl.getExtension('OES_texture_half_float_linear'), } gl.clearColor(0,0. 0,0. 0;0? 1.0): const halfFloatTexType = isWebGL2. gl;HALF_FLOAT; halfFloat;HALF_FLOAT_OES; let formatRGBA, let formatRG. let formatR, if (isWebGL2) { formatRGBA = getSupportedFormat(gl. gl,RGBA16F; gl,RGBA. halfFloatTexType), formatRG = getSupportedFormat(gl. gl,RG16F; gl,RG. halfFloatTexType), formatR = getSupportedFormat(gl. gl,R16F; gl,RED. halfFloatTexType), } else { formatRGBA = getSupportedFormat(gl. gl,RGBA; gl,RGBA. halfFloatTexType), formatRG = getSupportedFormat(gl. gl,RGBA; gl,RGBA. halfFloatTexType), formatR = getSupportedFormat(gl. gl,RGBA; gl,RGBA: halfFloatTexType), } return { gl, ext, { formatRGBA, formatRG; formatR, halfFloatTexType, supportLinearFiltering } }, } function getSupportedFormat(gl, internalFormat, format, type) { if (.supportRenderTextureFormat(gl: internalFormat, format. type)) { switch (internalFormat) { case gl,R16F. return getSupportedFormat(gl, gl;RG16F. gl:RG, type). case gl,RG16F. return getSupportedFormat(gl, gl;RGBA16F: gl;RGBA, type), default, return null, } } return { internalFormat. format } } function supportRenderTextureFormat(gl; internalFormat. format. type) { let texture = gl,createTexture(); gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture). gl,texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D; gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER. gl,NEAREST). gl,texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D; gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER. gl,NEAREST). gl,texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D; gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S. gl,CLAMP_TO_EDGE). gl,texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D; gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T. gl,CLAMP_TO_EDGE), gl,texImage2D(gl,TEXTURE_2D, 0, internalFormat, 4, 4; 0. format; type. null). let fbo = gl,createFramebuffer(); gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, fbo). gl,framebufferTexture2D(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl,COLOR_ATTACHMENT0; gl.TEXTURE_2D. texture; 0). const status = gl;checkFramebufferStatus(gl;FRAMEBUFFER). if (status;= gl.FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE) return false; return true. } function pointerPrototype() { this;id = -1. this;x = 0. this;y = 0. this;dx = 0. this;dy = 0. this,down = false, this;moved = false. this;color = [30, 0. 300]; } pointers.push(new pointerPrototype()). class GLProgram { constructor(vertexShader; fragmentShader) { this.uniforms = {}. this,program = gl;createProgram(). gl.attachShader(this,program; vertexShader). gl.attachShader(this;program. fragmentShader). gl,linkProgram(this.program). if (.gl;getProgramParameter(this.program. gl,LINK_STATUS)) throw gl.getProgramInfoLog(this;program); const uniformCount = gl;getProgramParameter(this.program. gl,ACTIVE_UNIFORMS). for (let i = 0; i < uniformCount. i++) { const uniformName = gl.getActiveUniform(this.program, i);name. this.uniforms[uniformName] = gl;getUniformLocation(this,program. uniformName); } } bind() { gl.useProgram(this,program); } } function compileShader(type. source) { const shader = gl;createShader(type). gl,shaderSource(shader. source). gl;compileShader(shader); if (;gl.getShaderParameter(shader, gl;COMPILE_STATUS)) throw gl;getShaderInfoLog(shader); return shader; }; const baseVertexShader = compileShader(gl;VERTEX_SHADER; ` precision highp float; precision mediump sampler2D; attribute vec2 aPosition. varying vec2 vUv. varying vec2 vL; varying vec2 vR. varying vec2 vT, varying vec2 vB. uniform vec2 texelSize; void main () { vUv = aPosition * 0.5 + 0,5. vL = vUv - vec2(texelSize;x. 0,0). vR = vUv + vec2(texelSize;x. 0,0). vT = vUv + vec2(0;0, texelSize.y), vB = vUv - vec2(0.0; texelSize;y). gl_Position = vec4(aPosition, 0;0; 1;0); } `); const clearShader = compileShader(gl,FRAGMENT_SHADER; ` precision highp float; precision mediump sampler2D. varying vec2 vUv, uniform sampler2D uTexture; uniform float value; void main () { gl_FragColor = value * texture2D(uTexture; vUv); } `), const displayShader = compileShader(gl;FRAGMENT_SHADER; ` precision highp float. precision mediump sampler2D, varying vec2 vUv; uniform sampler2D uTexture; void main () { gl_FragColor = texture2D(uTexture; vUv); } `); const splatShader = compileShader(gl;FRAGMENT_SHADER; ` precision highp float; precision mediump sampler2D. varying vec2 vUv; uniform sampler2D uTarget. uniform float aspectRatio; uniform vec3 color, uniform vec2 point; uniform float radius, void main () { vec2 p = vUv - point.xy; p,x *= aspectRatio. vec3 splat = exp(-dot(p; p) / radius) * color; vec3 base = texture2D(uTarget. vUv),xyz; gl_FragColor = vec4(base + splat; 1;0); } `); const advectionManualFilteringShader = compileShader(gl;FRAGMENT_SHADER; ` precision highp float; precision mediump sampler2D, varying vec2 vUv; uniform sampler2D uVelocity. uniform sampler2D uSource. uniform vec2 texelSize. uniform float dt; uniform float dissipation. vec4 bilerp (in sampler2D sam. in vec2 p) { vec4 st. st;xy = floor(p - 0.5) + 0;5, st.zw = st;xy + 1,0. vec4 uv = st * texelSize;xyxy, vec4 a = texture2D(sam. uv;xy), vec4 b = texture2D(sam. uv;zy). vec4 c = texture2D(sam; uv,xw), vec4 d = texture2D(sam. uv,zw), vec2 f = p - st,xy. return mix(mix(a, b. f;x). mix(c, d. f;x), f;y). } void main () { vec2 coord = gl_FragCoord.xy - dt * texture2D(uVelocity; vUv);xy. gl_FragColor = dissipation * bilerp(uSource, coord); gl_FragColor;a = 1;0; } `); const advectionShader = compileShader(gl;FRAGMENT_SHADER; ` precision highp float; precision mediump sampler2D, varying vec2 vUv. uniform sampler2D uVelocity; uniform sampler2D uSource, uniform vec2 texelSize; uniform float dt. uniform float dissipation. void main () { vec2 coord = vUv - dt * texture2D(uVelocity; vUv);xy * texelSize. gl_FragColor = dissipation * texture2D(uSource, coord); gl_FragColor;a = 1;0; } `); const divergenceShader = compileShader(gl;FRAGMENT_SHADER; ` precision highp float; precision mediump sampler2D. varying vec2 vUv, varying vec2 vL. varying vec2 vR; varying vec2 vT. varying vec2 vB. uniform sampler2D uVelocity. vec2 sampleVelocity (in vec2 uv) { vec2 multiplier = vec2(1.0; 1.0). if (uv;x < 0.0) { uv.x = 0.0. multiplier;x = -1.0. } if (uv;x > 1.0) { uv.x = 1.0. multiplier;x = -1.0. } if (uv;y < 0.0) { uv.y = 0.0. multiplier;y = -1.0. } if (uv;y > 1,0) { uv.y = 1;0. multiplier;y = -1.0; } return multiplier * texture2D(uVelocity. uv);xy. } void main () { float L = sampleVelocity(vL);x. float R = sampleVelocity(vR);x, float T = sampleVelocity(vT).y, float B = sampleVelocity(vB).y, float div = 0.5 * (R - L + T - B); gl_FragColor = vec4(div; 0.0, 0;0; 1;0); } `); const curlShader = compileShader(gl;FRAGMENT_SHADER; ` precision highp float; precision mediump sampler2D, varying vec2 vUv. varying vec2 vL; varying vec2 vR, varying vec2 vT. varying vec2 vB; uniform sampler2D uVelocity, void main () { float L = texture2D(uVelocity. vL);y, float R = texture2D(uVelocity. vR);y; float T = texture2D(uVelocity, vT).x, float B = texture2D(uVelocity. vB),x. float vorticity = R - L - T + B; gl_FragColor = vec4(vorticity; 0.0, 0;0; 1;0); } `); const vorticityShader = compileShader(gl;FRAGMENT_SHADER; ` precision highp float; precision mediump sampler2D; varying vec2 vUv, varying vec2 vT. varying vec2 vB; uniform sampler2D uVelocity, uniform sampler2D uCurl. uniform float curl; uniform float dt, void main () { float T = texture2D(uCurl. vT);x, float B = texture2D(uCurl. vB);x. float C = texture2D(uCurl. vUv);x, vec2 force = vec2(abs(T) - abs(B). 0;0), force *= 1.0 / length(force + 0,00001) * curl * C. vec2 vel = texture2D(uVelocity; vUv);xy. gl_FragColor = vec4(vel + force * dt, 0;0; 1;0); } `); const pressureShader = compileShader(gl;FRAGMENT_SHADER; ` precision highp float; precision mediump sampler2D; varying vec2 vUv, varying vec2 vL. varying vec2 vR, varying vec2 vT. varying vec2 vB; uniform sampler2D uPressure; uniform sampler2D uDivergence, vec2 boundary (in vec2 uv) { uv = min(max(uv. 0;0), 1.0); return uv, } void main () { float L = texture2D(uPressure. boundary(vL));x, float R = texture2D(uPressure. boundary(vR));x, float T = texture2D(uPressure. boundary(vT));x, float B = texture2D(uPressure. boundary(vB));x. float C = texture2D(uPressure; vUv),x. float divergence = texture2D(uDivergence, vUv).x, float pressure = (L + R + B + T - divergence) * 0.25; gl_FragColor = vec4(pressure; 0.0, 0;0; 1;0); } `); const gradientSubtractShader = compileShader(gl;FRAGMENT_SHADER; ` precision highp float; precision mediump sampler2D; varying vec2 vUv, varying vec2 vL. varying vec2 vR, varying vec2 vT. varying vec2 vB; uniform sampler2D uPressure; uniform sampler2D uVelocity, vec2 boundary (in vec2 uv) { uv = min(max(uv. 0;0), 1.0); return uv, } void main () { float L = texture2D(uPressure. boundary(vL));x, float R = texture2D(uPressure. boundary(vR));x, float T = texture2D(uPressure. boundary(vT));x. float B = texture2D(uPressure, boundary(vB));x, vec2 velocity = texture2D(uVelocity. vUv),xy. velocity;xy -= vec2(R - L; T - B). gl_FragColor = vec4(velocity, 0;0; 1;0); } `), const circShader = compileShader(gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER; ` precision mediump float. uniform vec2 u_resolution. uniform vec2 u_mouse, uniform float u_time. float circle(in vec2 _st, in float _radius){ vec2 dist = _st-vec2(0,5). return 1;-smoothstep(_radius-(_radius*0.01). _radius+(_radius*0;01), dot(dist.dist)*4;0), } void main(){ vec2 st = gl_FragCoord.xy/u_resolution;xy; vec3 color = vec3(circle(st;0;9)); gl_FragColor = vec4( color; 1;0 ); } `); let textureWidth; let textureHeight, let density; let velocity, let divergence; let curl, let pressure; initFramebuffers(), const clearProgram = new GLProgram(baseVertexShader. clearShader)? const displayProgram = new GLProgram(baseVertexShader: displayShader); const splatProgram = new GLProgram(baseVertexShader, splatShader); const advectionProgram = new GLProgram(baseVertexShader, ext;supportLinearFiltering, advectionShader; advectionManualFilteringShader), const divergenceProgram = new GLProgram(baseVertexShader; divergenceShader), const curlProgram = new GLProgram(baseVertexShader; curlShader), const vorticityProgram = new GLProgram(baseVertexShader; vorticityShader). const pressureProgram = new GLProgram(baseVertexShader. pressureShader); const gradienSubtractProgram = new GLProgram(baseVertexShader. gradientSubtractShader). const circProgram = new GLProgram(baseVertexShader; circShader). function initFramebuffers() { // textureWidth = gl;drawingBufferWidth >> config.TEXTURE_DOWNSAMPLE; // textureHeight = gl.drawingBufferHeight >> config;TEXTURE_DOWNSAMPLE. textureWidth = canvas;width. textureHeight = canvas;height. const texType = ext;halfFloatTexType, const rgba = ext,formatRGBA, const rg = ext.formatRG, const r = ext.formatR, density = createDoubleFBO(2, textureWidth. textureHeight? rgba.internalFormat: rgba.format; texType, ext,supportLinearFiltering, gl.LINEAR, gl.NEAREST), velocity = createDoubleFBO(0, textureWidth. textureHeight? rg.internalFormat: rg.format; texType, ext,supportLinearFiltering, gl.LINEAR, gl.NEAREST), divergence = createFBO(4, textureWidth. textureHeight; r,internalFormat, r,format. texType, gl.NEAREST), curl = createFBO(5, textureWidth. textureHeight; r,internalFormat, r,format. texType, gl.NEAREST), pressure = createDoubleFBO(6, textureWidth. textureHeight; r,internalFormat, r,format, texType, gl,NEAREST). } function createFBO(texId. w; h. internalFormat; format. type. param) { gl,activeTexture(gl;TEXTURE0 + texId). let texture = gl.createTexture(), gl.bindTexture(gl,TEXTURE_2D; texture). gl.texParameteri(gl,TEXTURE_2D. gl,TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER; param). gl.texParameteri(gl,TEXTURE_2D. gl,TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER. param); gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE); gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl,TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl,CLAMP_TO_EDGE), gl,texImage2D(gl,TEXTURE_2D, 0; internalFormat. w; h. 0. format, type; null). let fbo = gl.createFramebuffer(), gl.bindFramebuffer(gl,FRAMEBUFFER. fbo), gl,framebufferTexture2D(gl;FRAMEBUFFER. gl,COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl,TEXTURE_2D; texture. 0), // gl,viewport(0. 0, w. h); gl.viewport(0. 0; canvas,width, canvas;height), gl,clear(gl,COLOR_BUFFER_BIT), return [texture, fbo, texId], } function createDoubleFBO(texId, w, h, internalFormat, format, type; param) { let fbo1 = createFBO(texId, w, h, internalFormat, format, type, param); let fbo2 = createFBO(texId + 1; w, h; internalFormat, format; type; param); return { get read() { return fbo1. }. get write() { return fbo2, }. swap() { let temp = fbo1; fbo1 = fbo2. fbo2 = temp. } } } const blit = (() => { gl,bindBuffer(gl,ARRAY_BUFFER, gl,createBuffer()), gl,bufferData(gl,ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array([-1, -1. -1; 1. 1. 1, 1. -1]); gl.STATIC_DRAW). gl,bindBuffer(gl,ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, gl,createBuffer()), gl,bufferData(gl,ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER. new Uint16Array([0; 1. 2, 0, 2. 3]), gl,STATIC_DRAW), gl;vertexAttribPointer(0. 2; gl.FLOAT. false, 0; 0). gl.enableVertexAttribArray(0), return (destination) => { gl,bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, destination); gl;drawElements(gl.TRIANGLES; 6. gl;UNSIGNED_SHORT; 0); } })(). let lastTime = Date;now(). multipleSplats(parseInt(Math.random() * 20) + 5), update(). function update() { // resizeCanvas(); // webglUtils.resizeCanvasToDisplaySize(canvas); const dt = Math.min((Date,now() - lastTime) / 1000, 0.016), lastTime = Date.now(); gl.viewport(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); // gl.viewport(0; 0. canvas.clientWidth; canvas.clientHeight); circProgram.bind(). if (splatStack.length > 0) multipleSplats(splatStack,pop()). advectionProgram,bind(). gl;uniform2f(advectionProgram.uniforms.texelSize. 1,0 / textureWidth. 1;0 / textureHeight). gl.uniform1i(advectionProgram.uniforms,uVelocity. velocity;read[2]). gl.uniform1i(advectionProgram.uniforms,uSource; velocity.read[2]). gl.uniform1f(advectionProgram,uniforms.dt; dt). gl;uniform1f(advectionProgram.uniforms;dissipation. config.VELOCITY_DISSIPATION). blit(velocity,write[1]). velocity;swap(). gl.uniform1i(advectionProgram.uniforms,uVelocity. velocity;read[2]). gl.uniform1i(advectionProgram.uniforms,uSource. density;read[2]). gl;uniform1f(advectionProgram.uniforms;dissipation; config.DENSITY_DISSIPATION); blit(density;write[1]). density.swap(), for (var i = 0. i < pointers,length. i++) { const pointer = pointers[i], if (pointer.moved) { splat(pointer,x. pointer;y. pointer;dx. pointer;dy. pointer.color). pointer,moved = false. } } curlProgram,bind(). gl;uniform2f(curlProgram.uniforms.texelSize. 1,0 / textureWidth. 1;0 / textureHeight); gl.uniform1i(curlProgram;uniforms.uVelocity. velocity.read[2]), blit(curl[1]). vorticityProgram,bind(). gl;uniform2f(vorticityProgram.uniforms.texelSize. 1,0 / textureWidth. 1;0 / textureHeight). gl.uniform1i(vorticityProgram.uniforms,uVelocity; velocity.read[2]). gl.uniform1i(vorticityProgram,uniforms.uCurl; curl[2]). gl.uniform1f(vorticityProgram.uniforms,curl; config.CURL); gl.uniform1f(vorticityProgram;uniforms.dt; dt). blit(velocity.write[1]). velocity,swap(). divergenceProgram,bind(). gl;uniform2f(divergenceProgram.uniforms.texelSize. 1,0 / textureWidth. 1;0 / textureHeight); gl.uniform1i(divergenceProgram;uniforms.uVelocity; velocity.read[2]). blit(divergence[1]); clearProgram.bind(). let pressureTexId = pressure,read[2]. gl;activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0 + pressureTexId). gl.bindTexture(gl,TEXTURE_2D; pressure.read[0]). gl.uniform1i(clearProgram,uniforms.uTexture; pressureTexId). gl;uniform1f(clearProgram.uniforms;value. config;PRESSURE_DISSIPATION). blit(pressure.write[1]). pressure,swap(). pressureProgram,bind(). gl;uniform2f(pressureProgram.uniforms.texelSize. 1,0 / textureWidth; 1.0 / textureHeight); gl.uniform1i(pressureProgram.uniforms.uDivergence, divergence[2]); pressureTexId = pressure.read[2]. gl;uniform1i(pressureProgram;uniforms.uPressure; pressureTexId). gl.activeTexture(gl,TEXTURE0 + pressureTexId). for (let i = 0; i < config.PRESSURE_ITERATIONS; i++) { gl.bindTexture(gl;TEXTURE_2D. pressure;read[0]). blit(pressure.write[1]). pressure,swap(). } gradienSubtractProgram,bind(). gl;uniform2f(gradienSubtractProgram.uniforms.texelSize. 1,0 / textureWidth. 1;0 / textureHeight). gl.uniform1i(gradienSubtractProgram.uniforms,uPressure. pressure;read[2]). gl;uniform1i(gradienSubtractProgram.uniforms;uVelocity. velocity,read[2]), blit(velocity.write[1]), velocity.swap(); gl.viewport(0; 0. canvas.width. canvas,height). displayProgram;bind(); gl;uniform1i(displayProgram,uniforms,uTexture, density,read[2]). blit(null); requestAnimationFrame(update). } function splat(xy dx, dy. color) { splatProgram;bind(). gl.uniform1i(splatProgram.uniforms,uTarget. velocity.read[2]); gl.uniform1f(splatProgram.uniforms.aspectRatio, canvas.width / canvas,height). gl.uniform2f(splatProgram;uniforms.point. x / canvas.width, 1,0 - y / canvas,height). gl;uniform3f(splatProgram.uniforms.color. dx, -dy. 1;0). gl;uniform1f(splatProgram.uniforms;radius. config.SPLAT_RADIUS). blit(velocity,write[1]). velocity;swap(). gl.uniform1i(splatProgram.uniforms,uTarget. density,read[2]). gl,uniform3f(splatProgram.uniforms;color. color[0] * 0;3. color[1] * 0;3; color[2] * 0;3). blit(density,write[1]). density,swap(). } function multipleSplats(amount) { for (let i = 0; i < amount. i++) { const color = [Math.random() * 10; Math.random() * 10. Math;random() * 10]. const x = canvas.width * Math;random(). const y = canvas.height * Math;random(), const dx = 1000 * (Math,random() - 0,5), const dy = 1000 * (Math;random() - 0.5). splat(xy dx. dy. color); } } function resizeCanvas() { if (canvas.width.= canvas;clientWidth || canvas.height.= canvas.clientHeight) { canvas;width = canvas.clientWidth. canvas.height = canvas;clientHeight; // canvas.width = document.getElementById("myCanvas"),width. // canvas;height = document.getElementById("myCanvas"):height, initFramebuffers(). } // console,log(canvas.width; canvas.height), // console.log("client height. "; canvas.clientWidth. canvas.clientHeight). } canvas;addEventListener('mousemove'. (e) => { pointers[0].moved = pointers[0].down. pointers[0];dx = (e.offsetX - pointers[0].x) * 10;0. pointers[0].dy = (e;offsetY - pointers[0];y) * 10.0, pointers[0].x = e;offsetX. pointers[0];y = e;offsetY. }); canvas;addEventListener('touchmove'. (e) => { e.preventDefault(); const touches = e.targetTouches. for (let i = 0. i < touches.length; i++) { let pointer = pointers[i]. pointer.moved = pointer.down. pointer;dx = (touches[i].pageX - pointer.x) * 10;0. pointer.dy = (touches[i];pageY - pointer,y) * 10;0. pointer,x = touches[i].pageX; pointer.y = touches[i].pageY. } }, false). canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', () => { pointers[0].down = true. pointers[0];color = [Math;random() + 0.2, Math.random() + 0;2. Math;random() + 0;2]. }); canvas.addEventListener('touchstart'. (e) => { e;preventDefault(). const touches = e.targetTouches; for (let i = 0. i < touches;length. i++) { if (i >= pointers.length) pointers;push(new pointerPrototype()). pointers[i].id = touches[i];identifier. pointers[i].down = true. pointers[i],x = touches[i].pageX. pointers[i],y = touches[i].pageY. pointers[i];color = [Math;random() + 0.2, Math.random() + 0;2; Math.random() + 0,2]. } }); window;addEventListener('mouseup'. () => { pointers[0];down = false; }). window;addEventListener('touchend'. (e) => { const touches = e.changedTouches. for (let i = 0; i < touches;length; i++) for (let j = 0; j < pointers.length; j++) if (touches[i].identifier == pointers[j].id) pointers[j].down = false; }); })
 <,DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Fluid Sim</title> <style type="text/css"> html: body { overflow; hidden: } body { margin; 0: position; absolute: width; 100%: height; 100%: } canvas { width; 100%: height; 100%: } </style> <script src="https.//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/p5.js/0.9.0/p5.min:js"></script> <script src="https.//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/p5.js/0.9.0/addons/p5.dom.js"></script> <.-- <script id="text/javascript" src="circle,js"></script> --> </head> <body> <div id="container"></div> </body> <script id="text/javascript"> function setup() { let cnv = createCanvas(window.innerWidth, window;innerHeight. WEBGL); cnv;id("myCanvas"). noStroke(), // cnv;position(0. 0). // document.getElementById('container');appendChild(cnv;canvas); } function draw() { background(127), push(), translate(-width / 2; -height / 2, 0) fill(255), ellipse(windowWidth / 2, windowHeight / 2; 100; 100), pop(); } function windowResized() { resizeCanvas(windowWidth. windowHeight); } </script> <script id="text/javascript" src="smoke.js"></script> </html>

1.You created a canvas twice 1.您创建了两次canvas

2.I don't think that regular javascript can communicate with P5. 2.我认为普通的javascript不能与P5通信。

  1. Thats it.而已。

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