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如何使用 numpy.random 从某个分布中生成随机数?

[英]How to use numpy.random to generate random numbers from a certain distribution?

I am somewhat confused about how to use numpy.random to generate random values from a give distribution, say, binomial.我对如何使用 numpy.random 从给定分布(例如二项式)生成随机值感到有些困惑。 I thought it would be我以为会是

import numpy as np
np.random.binomial(10, 0.3, 5)

However, NumPy reference page shows something like但是, NumPy 参考页面显示类似

from numpy.random import default_rng
rg = default_rng()
rg.binomial(10, 0.3, 5)

Both seem to be working well.两者似乎都运行良好。 Which one is the correct or better way?哪一个是正确的或更好的方法? What is the difference if there is any?如果有的话有什么区别?

The first block of code uses a numpy.random.* function.第一个代码块使用numpy.random.*函数。 numpy.random.* functions (including numpy.random.binomial ) make use of a global random generator object which is shared across the application. numpy.random.*函数(包括numpy.random.binomial )利用一个在应用程序中共享的全局随机生成器对象。

The second block of code creates a random generator object with default_rng() and uses that object to generate random numbers without relying on global state.第二个代码块使用default_rng()创建一个随机生成器对象,并使用该对象生成随机数,而不依赖于全局状态。

Note that numpy.random.binomial (in addition to other numpy.random.* functions) is now a legacy function as of NumPy 1.17;请注意, numpy.random.binomial (除了其他numpy.random.*函数)现在是 NumPy 1.17 的遗留函数; NumPy 1.17 introduces a new random number generation system , which is demonstrated in the second block of code in your question. NumPy 1.17 引入了一个新的随机数生成系统,在您问题的第二个代码块中进行了演示。 It was the result of a proposal to change the RNG policy .这是改变 RNG 政策提议的结果。 The desire to avoid global state was one of the reasons for the change in this policy.避免全局状态的愿望是更改此策略的原因之一。

This does not work in Python2.7 / numpy 1.16 :这在 Python2.7 / numpy 1.16 中不起作用:

>>> from numpy.random import default_rng
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: cannot import name default_rng
import random

A crucial thing to understand about the random choice method is that Python doesn't care about the fundamental nature of the objects that are contained in that list.理解随机选择方法的一个关键点是 Python 并不关心包含在该列表中的对象的基本性质。

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