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从 Pandas 数据框列单独创建 numpy 数组

[英]Create separately numpy arrays from pandas dataframe columns

I would like to create automatically in Python n of numpy arrays from my pandas dataframe columns.我想从我的 Pandas 数据帧列在 Python n 的 numpy 数组中自动创建。 I can do this manually using for example:我可以手动执行此操作,例如:

numpy_array_1 = data_frame.column_1.values
numpy_array_2 = data_frame.column_2.values
numpy_array_n = data_frame.column_n.values

But I can not know how I should write code to create those arrays automatically.但我不知道我应该如何编写代码来自动创建这些数组。

You can simply use a for and loop through it.您可以简单地使用for并循环遍历它。 Remember that using (list(data_frame)) returns a list of the column names in the dataframe:请记住,使用(list(data_frame))返回数据框中列名的列表:

np_array = []
for i in list(data_frame):

The expected output is a list that contains sublists of values.预期输出是一个包含值子列表的列表。 Where each sublist matches the position of the columns in the dataframe.每个子列表与数据框中列的位置相匹配。 Therefore you can either make a dictionary, or a tuple out of it.因此,您可以制作字典,也可以从中制作一个元组。 Dictionary example:字典示例:

np_array_dict = {}
for i in list(data_frame):
    np_array_dict[i] = data_frame[i].values

Suppose we have a simple df:假设我们有一个简单的 df:

df = pd.DataFrame({"0":[1,2], "1":[3,4]})
   0  1
0  1  3
1  2  4

Then you can run:然后你可以运行:

for (key,value) in df.to_dict("list").items():
    exec("numpy_array_{} = np.array({})".format(key, value))

You'll get:你会得到:

array([1, 2])

array([3, 4])

and so on.等等。


for col in list(df):
    exec("numpy_array_{} = df[str({})].values".format(col,col))

您可以获得所有数据帧行和列值的矩阵,就像 df.values 一样简单您真的需要每列不同的数组吗?

This can be done without using loops:这可以在不使用循环的情况下完成:

df = pd.DataFrame({"0":[1,2], "1":[3,4], "2":[5,6]})

   0  1  2
0  1  3  5
1  2  4  6

and then:进而:


results in:结果是:

[array([1, 2]), array([3, 4]), array([5, 6])]

and if a dictionary is desired one just needs to proceed as follows:如果需要一本字典,只需按以下步骤进行:

dict(zip(range(df.shape[1]), [*np.transpose(df.values)]))

which gives:这使:

{0: array([1, 2]), 1: array([3, 4]), 2: array([5, 6])}

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