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如何并行化用于 PyTorch 的 for 循环?

[英]How can I parallelize a for loop for use in PyTorch?

I realize that for loops are slow with Python in general.我意识到,对于Pythonfor循环通常很慢。 I have some code that messes around with some tensors:我有一些与一些张量混淆的代码:

            for batch_index, mask_batch in enumerate(mask):
                mask_len = torch.sum(mask_batch).int()

                if mask_len == 0:
                    side_input = torch.zeros((max_inp_len, side_input.shape[1])).to(mask.device)

                    m_nonzero = mask_batch.nonzero().flatten()
                    first_nonzero = m_nonzero[0]
                    last_nonzero = m_nonzero[-1]

                    if side == 'left':
                        end_index = first_nonzero - 1
                        start_index = 0
                    elif side == 'right':
                        start_index = last_nonzero + 1
                        end_index = inputs[batch_index].size(1)

                    side_input = inputs[batch_index][start_index:end_index]

                    if end_index - start_index < max_inp_len:
                        pad_zeros = torch.zeros(
                            (max_inp_len - side_input.shape[0], side_input.shape[1])).to(mask.device)
                        if side == 'left':
                            side_input = torch.cat((pad_zeros, side_input), 0)
                        elif side == 'right':
                            side_input = torch.cat((side_input, pad_zeros), 0)


        return torch.stack(side_inputs)

I feel like this loop is REALLY slowing things down.我觉得这个循环真的让事情变慢了。 Is there some way for me to do it without the loop?有没有办法让我在没有循环的情况下做到这一点?

Python does not have true parallelism within any given process. Python 在任何给定进程中都没有真正的并行性。 You would have to spawn a ProcessPool and make the inside of your loop a function taking batch_index, mask_batch , then map that function over the mask object in your current for loop. You would have to spawn a ProcessPool and make the inside of your loop a function taking batch_index, mask_batch , then map that function over the mask object in your current for loop. Thing is, I don't know if PyTorch will play nicely with this.问题是,我不知道 PyTorch 是否能很好地配合这个。

Like so像这样

def f(batch_index, mask_batch):
    mask_len = torch.sum(mask_batch).int()

    if mask_len == 0:
        side_input = torch.zeros((max_inp_len, side_input.shape[1])).to(mask.device)
        m_nonzero = mask_batch.nonzero().flatten()
        first_nonzero = m_nonzero[0]
        last_nonzero = m_nonzero[-1]

        if side == 'left':
            end_index = first_nonzero - 1
            start_index = 0
        elif side == 'right':
            start_index = last_nonzero + 1
            end_index = inputs[batch_index].size(1)

            side_input = inputs[batch_index][start_index:end_index]

            if end_index - start_index < max_inp_len:
                pad_zeros = torch.zeros((max_inp_len - side_input.shape[0], side_input.shape[1])).to(mask.device)
                if side == 'left':
                    side_input = torch.cat((pad_zeros, side_input), 0)
                elif side == 'right':
                    side_input = torch.cat((side_input, pad_zeros), 0)
    return side_input

The other things you can look at are further vectorizing the code.您可以查看的其他内容是进一步矢量化代码。 Most things in PyTorch and Numpy can be vectorized away by using builtin functions and adding another dimension onto your tensors that represents the "loop" dimension. PyTorch 和 Numpy 中的大多数内容都可以通过使用内置函数并将另一个维度添加到代表“循环”维度的张量上来向量化。 This will allow PyTorch to handle the parallelism for you.这将允许 PyTorch 为您处理并行度。

PyTorch may have a concept of devices that you can put different iterations of the loop on, again this will require you to make a function for this loop and maybe take the device it goes on as an input. PyTorch 可能有一个设备概念,您可以在这些设备上放置不同的循环迭代,这再次要求您为此循环制作 function,并可能将其继续作为输入的设备。

Lastly you can look into just in time compliation like Numba or torch.jit to perform auto-vectorization for you.最后,您可以查看像 Numba 或 torch.jit 这样的即时编译来为您执行自动矢量化。

None of this will work (most likely) if the mask is of an unknown length.如果mask的长度未知,这一切都不起作用(很可能)。 If it is of a known length, I think vectorization, as hard as it is, is likely your best choice.如果它的长度已知,我认为矢量化可能是您的最佳选择。

You should create a function containing the logic behind a loop iteration, and launch it as a thread for each column (see docs here ).您应该创建一个包含循环迭代背后的逻辑的 function,并将其作为每个列的线程启动(请参阅此处的文档)。 You could also use asyncio library for concurrency but you might probably obtain less improvements.您也可以使用asyncio库进行并发,但您可能会获得较少的改进。

A good example a spawning a thread for each element of a list can be read here .可以在此处阅读为列表的每个元素生成线程的一个很好的示例。

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