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使用 pool.imap 时无法腌制 psycopg2.extensions.connection 对象,但可以在单个进程中完成

[英]Can't pickle psycopg2.extensions.connection objects when using pool.imap, but can be done in individual processes

I am trying to build an application which will "check out" a cell, which is a square covering a part of land in a geographic database, and perform an analysis of the features within that cell.我正在尝试构建一个应用程序,它将“检查”一个单元格,该单元格是一个覆盖地理数据库中一部分土地的正方形,并对该单元格内的特征进行分析。 Since I have many cells to process, I am using a multiprocessing approach.由于我要处理许多单元格,因此我使用的是多处理方法。

I had it somewhat working inside of my object like this:我让它在我的 object 内部工作,如下所示:

class DistributedGeographicConstraintProcessor:


    def _process_cell(self, conn_string):

        conn = pg2.connect(conn_string)
            cur = conn.cursor()

            cell_id = self._check_out_cell(cur)
            print(f"processing cell_id {cell_id}...")

            for constraint in self.constraints:
                # print(f"processing {constraint.name()}...")
                query = constraint.prepare_distributed_query(self.job, self.grid)
                cur.execute(query, {
                    "buffer": constraint.buffer(),
                    "cell_id": cell_id,
                    "name": constraint.name(),
                    "simplify_tolerance": constraint.simplify_tolerance()

            # TODO: do a final race condition check to further suppress duplicates
            self._check_in_cell(cur, cell_id)

            del cur

        return None

    def run(self):

        while True:
            if not self._job_finished():
                params = [self.conn_string] * self.num_cores
                processes = []
                for param in params:
                    process = mp.Process(target=self._process_cell, args=(param,))
                    sleep(0.1)  # Prevent multiple processes from checkout out the same grid square
                for process in processes:

But the problem is that it will only start four processes and wait until they all finish before starting four new processes.但问题是它只会启动四个进程并等到它们都完成后再启动四个新进程。

I want to make it so when one process finishes its work, it will begin working on the next cell immediately, even if its co-processes are not yet finished.我想这样当一个进程完成它的工作时,它会立即开始在下一个单元上工作,即使它的协同进程还没有完成。

I am unsure about how to implement this and I have tried using a pool like this:我不确定如何实现这一点,我尝试过使用这样的池:

def run(self):

    pool = mp.Pool(self.num_cores)
    unprocessed_cells = self._unprocessed_cells()
    for i in pool.imap(self._process_cell, unprocessed_cells):

But this just tells me that the connection is not able to be pickled:但这只是告诉我连接不能被腌制:

TypeError: can't pickle psycopg2.extensions.connection objects

But I do not understand why, because it is the exact same function that I am using in the imap function as in the Process target.但我不明白为什么,因为它与我在imap function 中使用的 function 与Process目标完全相同。

I have already looked at these threads, here is why they do not answer my question:我已经看过这些线程,这就是为什么他们不回答我的问题:

My guess is that you're attaching some connection object to self ;我的猜测是您正在将一些连接 object 附加到self try to rewrite your solution using functions only (no classes/methods).尝试仅使用函数(无类/方法)重写您的解决方案。

Here is a simplified version of a single producer/multiple workers solution I used some time ago:这是我前段时间使用的单生产者/多工人解决方案的简化版本:

def worker(param):
    //connect to pg
    //do work

def main():
    pool = Pool(processes=NUM_PROC)
    tasks = []
    for param in params:
        t = pool.apply_async(utils.process_month, args=(param, ))
    finished = false
    while not finished:     
        finished = True
        for t in tasks:
            if not t.ready():
                finished = False


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