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Spark dataframe 过滤器问题

[英]Spark dataframe filter issue

Coming from a SQL background here.. I'm using df1 = spark.read.jdbc to load data from Azure sql into a dataframe. Coming from a SQL background here.. I'm using df1 = spark.read.jdbc to load data from Azure sql into a dataframe. I am trying to filter the data to exclude rows meeting the following criteria:我正在尝试过滤数据以排除满足以下条件的行:

df2 = df1.filter("ItemID <> '75' AND Code1 <> 'SL'")

The dataframe ends up being empty but when i run equivalent SQL it is correct. dataframe 最终是空的,但是当我运行等效的 SQL 时,它是正确的。 When i change it to当我将其更改为

df2 = df1.filter("ItemID **=** '75' AND Code1 **=** 'SL'") 

it produces the rows i want to filter out.它产生我想要过滤掉的行。

What is the best way to remove the rows meeting the criteria, so they can be pushed to a SQL server?删除符合条件的行的最佳方法是什么,以便可以将它们推送到 SQL 服务器? Thank you谢谢

In SQL world, <> means Checks if the value of two operands are equal or not, if values are not equal then condition becomes true.在 SQL 世界中, <>表示Checks if the value of two operands are equal or not, if values are not equal then condition becomes true.

The equivalent of it in spark sql is != . spark sql 中的等价物是!= Thus your sql condition inside filter becomes-因此,过滤器内的 sql 条件变为 -

# A != B -> TRUE if expression A is not equivalent to expression B; otherwise FALSE
df2 = df1.filter("ItemID != '75' AND Code1 != 'SL'")

= has same meaning in spark sql as ansi sql =在火花 sql 中与 ansi sql 具有相同的含义

df2 = df1.filter("ItemID = '75' AND Code1 = 'SL'")

Use & operator with != in pyspark.在 pyspark 中使用带有!=&运算符。

<> deprecated from python3. <>从 python3 中弃用。



df.filter((col("ItemID") != '75') & (col("code1") != 'SL') ).show()

#or using negation
df.filter(~(col("ItemID") == '75') & ~(col("Code1") == 'SL') ).show()

#|    90|  SL1|

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