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[英]no hand joints over holographic remoting

I use Holographic Remoting Player to project the unity uwp program to HoloLens.我使用 Holographic Remoting Player 将 unity uwp 程序投影到 HoloLens。 I can get the unity picture on HoloLens, move around to move the field of view, have the hand laser and air tap working well, but the hand joint visualization doesn't show up.我可以在 HoloLens 上获得统一图片,四处移动以移动视野,手激光和空气水龙头工作良好,但手关节可视化不显示。

The player setting is ok.播放器设置没问题。 And I have followed the troubleshooting steps in this link, everything is ok, but the hand joint still doesn't work.而且我已经按照这个链接中的故障排除步骤,一切正常,但是手关节仍然无法工作。 https://microsoft.github.io/MixedRealityToolkit-Unity/Documentation/Tools/HolographicRemoting.html#msbuildforunity-package-import-via-writing-into-the-packagemanifest https://microsoft.github.io/MixedRealityToolkit-Unity/Documentation/Tools/HolographicRemoting.html#msbuildforunity-package-import-via-writing-into-the-packagemanifest

I have tried in Unity 2019.2.4 and 2019.4.1, both the same result.我在 Unity 2019.2.4 和 2019.4.1 中试过,结果都一样。 Is there anything misconfigured I need to check?我需要检查什么配置错误吗?

According to this document , the hand tracking profile has been updated to allow for setting the hand joint visualization to: Nothing, Everything, Editor or Player.根据此文档,手部跟踪配置文件已更新,允许将手部关节可视化设置为:Nothing、Everything、Editor 或 Player。 It meaning it is possible to turn on/off hand joint visualizations while in the editor or in the device or both.这意味着可以在编辑器或设备或两者中打开/关闭手关节可视化。 So it might be a good idea to double check this field in your MRTK profile and the following way is worth trying:因此,在您的 MRTK 个人资料中仔细检查此字段可能是个好主意,以下方法值得尝试:

Click the MixedRealityToolkit object in the Hierarchy window, and then navigate to Input -> Hand Tracking in Inspector window, find HandJointVisualizationModes field and set to Everything .单击 Hierarchy MixedRealityToolkit中的 MixedRealityToolkit object,然后导航到 Inspector window 中的Input -> Hand Tracking ,找到HandJointVisualizationModes字段并设置为Everything

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