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如何使用 Python 在给定斜率和截距坐标 (x, y) 的图像上绘制一条线

[英]How to draw a line on an image given the slope and the intercept coordinates (x, y) using Python

I have a slope of a line, and I have the x and y coordinates of the intercept that I want the line to go through.我有一条线的斜率,并且我有我希望这条线通过 go 的截距的 x 和 y 坐标。 Essentially, I want the line to be displayed on the image itself.本质上,我希望线条显示在图像本身上。

The following is basically the only code I have so far (just the variables):以下基本上是我迄今为止唯一的代码(只是变量):

slope = 3
intercepts = [7, 10]

I want to use Python for this task.我想使用 Python 来完成这项任务。 Any help would be greatly appreciated!任何帮助将不胜感激!

You can custom this answer from Tommaso Di Noto :您可以从 Tommaso Di Noto 自定义此答案

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import random

x_intercept = 7  
y_intercept = 10 
my_slope = 3 

def find_second_point(slope,x0,y0):
    # this function returns two points which belongs to the line that has the slope 
    # inserted by the user and that intercepts the point (x0,y0) inserted by the user
    q = y0 - (slope*x0)  # calculate q
    new_x1 = x0 + random.randint(x0,x0+10)  
    new_y1 = (slope*new_x1) + q  
    new_x2 = x0 - random.randint(x0,x0+10)  
    new_y2 = (slope*new_x2) + q 
    return new_x1, new_y1, new_x2, new_y2   

new_x1, new_y1,new_x2, new_y2 = find_second_point(my_slope , x_intercept, y_intercept )

def slope(x1, y1, x2, y2):
    return (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)
print(slope(x_intercept,y_intercept, new_x1, new_y1))

plt.figure(1)  # create new figure
plt.plot((new_x2, new_x1),(new_y2, new_y1), c='r', label='Segment')
plt.scatter(x_intercept, y_intercept, c='b', linewidths=3, label='Intercept')
plt.scatter(new_x1, new_y1, c='g', linewidths=3, label='New Point 1')
plt.scatter(new_x2, new_y2, c='cyan', linewidths=3, label='New Point 2')
plt.legend()  # add legend to image


Output: Output:



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