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[英]Why here error comes in ternary Operator?

The below statement gives error "unexpected type"以下语句给出错误“意外类型”

int i = 3;
System.out.println( (i==3) ? i+=3 : i-=3);

why this happens?为什么会这样?

It's due to operator precedence : the += and -= assignment operators have lower precedence than the ? :这是由于运算符优先级+=-=赋值运算符的优先级低于? : ? : ternary conditional expression operator. ? :三元条件表达式运算符。

There is only one way to interpret the i+=3 because it's followed by a : , namely, as the first branch of the ternary.只有一种解释i+=3的方法,因为它后面跟着一个: ,即作为三元的第一个分支。 But the -=3 is ambiguous and resolved according to precedence.但是-=3是模棱两可的,并根据优先级解决。 Because the ternary has higher precedence, the expression is parsed like this:因为三元具有更高的优先级,所以表达式解析如下:

((3==3) ? (i+=3) : i) -= 3

which is obviously nonsense, because you cannot assign to the result of an expression.这显然是无稽之谈,因为您不能分配给表达式的结果。

It works if you add extra parentheses to make the assignments take precedence:如果您添加额外的括号以使分配优先,它会起作用:

(3==3) ? (i+=3) : (i-=3)

The parentheses around i+=3 are optional but recommended for readability (insofar as this thing is ever going to be readable). i+=3周围的括号是可选的,但为了可读性而推荐(只要这个东西永远是可读的)。

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