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Spark Dataframe - 编码器

[英]Spark Dataframe - Encoder

I am new to Scala and Spark.我是 Scala 和 Spark 的新手。

I am trying to use encoder to read a file from Spark and then convert to a java/scala object.我正在尝试使用编码器从 Spark 读取文件,然后转换为 java/scala object。

The first step to read the file applying a schema and encoding using as works fine.使用 as 读取应用架构和编码的文件的第一步工作正常。

Then I use that dataset/dataframe to do a simple map operation, but if I try to print the schema on the resultant dataset/dataframe it doesn't print any columns.然后我使用该数据集/数据框执行简单的 map 操作,但如果我尝试在生成的数据集/数据框上打印模式,它不会打印任何列。

Also, when i first read the file, i don't map age field in Person class, just to calculate it in the map function to try out - but I don't see that age not mapped to the data frame using Person at all. Also, when i first read the file, i don't map age field in Person class, just to calculate it in the map function to try out - but I don't see that age not mapped to the data frame using Person at all .

Data in Person.txt: Person.txt 中的数据:

ABC, XYZ, 01/01/2019
CDE, FGH, 01/02/2020

The below is the code:以下是代码:

object EncoderExample extends App {
  val sparkSession = SparkSession.builder().appName("EncoderExample").master("local").getOrCreate();

  case class Person(firstName: String, lastName: String, dob: String,var age: Int = 10)
  implicit val encoder = Encoders.bean[Person](classOf[Person])
  val personDf = sparkSession.read.option("header","true").option("inferSchema","true").csv("Person.txt").as(encoder)


  val calAge = personDf.map(p => {
    p.age = Year.now().getValue - p.dob.substring(6).toInt
  } )//.toDF()//.as(encoder)

  print("*********Person DF Schema after age calculation: ")

package spark

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import java.util.Calendar

import org.apache.spark.sql.{SparkSession}
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._

case class Person(firstName: String, lastName: String, dob: String, age: Long)

object CalcAge extends App {

  val spark = SparkSession.builder()

  import spark.implicits._

  val sourceDF = Seq(
    ("ABC", "XYZ", "01/01/2019"),
    ("CDE", "FGH", "01/02/2020")

  //  root
  //  |-- firstName: string (nullable = true)
  //  |-- lastName: string (nullable = true)
  //  |-- dob: string (nullable = true)

  //  +---------+--------+----------+
  //  |firstName|lastName|dob       |
  //  +---------+--------+----------+
  //  |ABC      |XYZ     |01/01/2019|
  //  |CDE      |FGH     |01/02/2020|
  //  +---------+--------+----------+

  def getCurrentYear: Long = {

    val today:java.util.Date = Calendar.getInstance.getTime
    val timeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy")


  val ageUDF = udf((d1: String) => {

    val year = d1.split("/").reverse.head.toLong
    val yearNow = getCurrentYear
    yearNow - year

  val df = sourceDF
    .withColumn("age", ageUDF('dob))
  //  root
  //  |-- firstName: string (nullable = true)
  //  |-- lastName: string (nullable = true)
  //  |-- dob: string (nullable = true)
  //  |-- age: long (nullable = false)

  //  +---------+--------+----------+---+
  //  |firstName|lastName|dob       |age|
  //  +---------+--------+----------+---+
  //  |ABC      |XYZ     |01/01/2019|1  |
  //  |CDE      |FGH     |01/02/2020|0  |
  //  +---------+--------+----------+---+

  val person = df.as[Person].collectAsList()
  //  person: java.util.List[Person] = [Person(ABC,XYZ,01/01/2019,1), Person(CDE,FGH,01/02/2020,0)]


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