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[英]spark implicit encoder not found in scope

I have a problem with spark already outlined in spark custom kryo encoder not providing schema for UDF but created a minimal sample now: https://gist.github.com/geoHeil/dc9cfb8eca5c06fca01fc9fc03431b2f 我有一个问题,已经在spark自定义kryo编码器中列出了没有为UDF提供架构,但现在创建了一个最小的样本: https//gist.github.com/geoHeil/dc9cfb8eca5c06fca01fc9fc03431b2f

class SomeOtherClass(foo: Int)
case class FooWithSomeOtherClass(a: Int, b: String, bar: SomeOtherClass)
case class FooWithoutOtherClass(a: Int, b: String, bar: Int)
case class Foo(a: Int)
implicit val someOtherClassEncoder: Encoder[SomeOtherClass] = Encoders.kryo[SomeOtherClass]
val df2 = Seq(FooWithSomeOtherClass(1, "one", new SomeOtherClass(4))).toDS
val df3 = Seq(FooWithoutOtherClass(1, "one", 1), FooWithoutOtherClass(2, "two", 2)).toDS
val df4 = df3.map(d => FooWithSomeOtherClass(d.a, d.b, new SomeOtherClass(d.bar)))

here, even the createDataSet statement fails due to 在这里,甚至createDataSet语句都因为失败而失败

java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: No Encoder found for SomeOtherClass
- field (class: "SomeOtherClass", name: "bar")
- root class: "FooWithSomeOtherClass"

Why is the encoder not in scope or at least not in the right scope? 为什么编码器不在范围内或至少不在合适的范围内?

Also, trying to specify an explicit encoder like: 此外,尝试指定一个显式编码器,如:

df3.map(d => {FooWithSomeOtherClass(d.a, d.b, new SomeOtherClass(d.bar))}, (Int, String, Encoders.kryo[SomeOtherClass]))

does not work. 不起作用。

This happens because you should use the Kryo encoder through the whole serialization stack, meaning that your top-level object should have a Kryo encoder. 发生这种情况是因为您应该在整个序列化堆栈中使用Kryo编码器,这意味着您的顶级对象应该具有Kryo编码器。 The following runs successfully on a local Spark shell (the change you are interested in is on the first line): 以下在本地Spark shell上成功运行(您感兴趣的更改位于第一行):

  implicit val topLevelObjectEncoder: Encoder[FooWithSomeOtherClass] = Encoders.kryo[FooWithSomeOtherClass]

  val df1 = Seq(Foo(1), Foo(2)).toDF

  val df2 = Seq(FooWithSomeOtherClass(1, "one", new SomeOtherClass(4))).toDS

  val df3 = Seq(FooWithoutOtherClass(1, "one", 1), FooWithoutOtherClass(2, "two", 2)).toDS

  val df4 = df3.map(d => FooWithSomeOtherClass(d.a, d.b, new SomeOtherClass(d.bar)))

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