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Python Numpy vs Matlab:数组赋值性能

[英]Python Numpy vs Matlab : Array assignment performance

I've been writing Matlab code for many years and recently I have started writing in python.我多年来一直在编写 Matlab 代码,最近我开始用 python 编写代码。 Let me try to explain the problem I am facing:让我试着解释我面临的问题:

Some part of my code associates cells in a large array, let's say for the sake of the example an image of size 1080x1400, to a smaller array, a grid of size 770x700.我的代码的某些部分将大数组中的单元格关联起来,例如,为了示例,大小为 1080x1400 的图像与较小的数组(大小为 770x700 的网格)相关联。 All the cells in the large array could be associated with the whole grid or to a smaller section, meaning that a large number of cells in the large array could be associated with the same cell in the small array.大阵列中的所有单元可以与整个网格或较小部分相关联,这意味着大阵列中的大量单元可以与小阵列中的相同单元相关联。 I have written two sets of code, one in Matlab and the other in Python.我写了两套代码,一套用 Matlab,一套用 Python。

For some reason, the Matlab code runs in an average of 41 msec, while the Python code runs in an average of 4.1 sec in Pycharm (both measured 100 times).出于某种原因,Matlab 代码的平均运行时间为 41 毫秒,而 Python 代码在 Pycharm 中的平均运行时间为 4.1 秒(两者都测量了 100 次)。 Is there anything I can do to substantially improve Numpy's performance?我可以做些什么来大幅提高 Numpy 的性能?

Although I always write in a vectorized form, in this case, the code is written with a for loop, which I think is appropriate here.虽然我总是用向量化的形式来写,但在这种情况下,代码是用 for 循环编写的,我认为在这里很合适。


Links to Example Input Data:示例输入数据的链接:

https://technionmail-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/barakp_campus_technion_ac_il/Eb-JELhUNslJm219qI6bflEBxEv3XnOsGTQaTZN7GfzUbA?e=CeUjRT https://technionmail-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/barakp_campus_technion_ac_il/Eb-JELhUNslJm219qI6bflEBxEv3XnOsGTQaTZN7GfzUbA?e=CeUjRT

https://technionmail-my.sharepoint.com/:i:/g/personal/barakp_campus_technion_ac_il/ETOjjmtzedpBi9YMKfI7778Bz3also9U9acvosMM1gKK0w?e=cQ4afV https://technionmail-my.sharepoint.com/:i:/g/personal/barakp_campus_technion_ac_il/ETOjjmtzedpBi9YMKfI7778Bz3also9U9acvosMM1gKK0w?e=cQ4afV

Matlab Code: MATLAB代码:

InputCoord = readmatrix('InputCoord.csv');
Wx = InputCoord(:,3)' + 1;
Wy = InputCoord(:,4)' + 1;
OutMtx = zeros(770,770);

fp_Row = InputCoord(:,1)' + 1;
fp_Col = InputCoord(:,2)' + 1;
DataMtx = single(imread('DataMtx.tif'))./255;
number_of_times = 100;
t_stop = zeros(number_of_times,1);
for jj = 1:number_of_times
    N = 1;
    t_start = tic;
    for ii = 1:size(Wx,2)
        Wx_ind = Wx(ii);
        Wy_ind = Wy(ii);
        fp_Row_ind = fp_Row(ii);
        fp_Col_ind = fp_Col(ii);
        if ii>1 && (Wx(ii)~=Wx(ii-1) || Wy(ii)~=Wy(ii-1))
            N = 1;
        OutMtx(Wx_ind, Wy_ind) = ((N-1)*OutMtx(Wx_ind, Wy_ind) + DataMtx(fp_Row_ind, fp_Col_ind))/N;
        N = N + 1;
    t_stop(jj) = toc(t_start);

Python Code:蟒蛇代码:

import numpy as np
import cv2
import time

InputCoord = np.genfromtxt('InputCoord.csv', delimiter=',')
number_of_coords = np.shape(InputCoord)[0]
Wx = InputCoord[:, 2].astype(dtype=np.int32).reshape((1, number_of_coords))
Wy = InputCoord[:, 3].astype(dtype=np.int32).reshape((1, number_of_coords))
OutMtx = np.zeros((770, 770))

fp_Row = InputCoord[:, 0].astype(dtype=np.int32).reshape((1, number_of_coords))
fp_Col = InputCoord[:, 1].astype(dtype=np.int32).reshape((1, number_of_coords))
DataMtx = cv2.imread('DataMtx.tif', -1).astype(dtype=np.float32) / 255
# print(f' DataMtx flags:{DataMtx.flags}')
DataMtxf = np.asarray(DataMtx, order='F')
number_of_times = 100
t_stop = np.zeros((1, number_of_times))
for jj in range(number_of_times):
    t_start = time.time()
    N = 1
    for ii in range(number_of_coords):
        Wx_ind = Wx[0, ii]
        Wy_ind = Wy[0, ii]
        fp_Row_ind = fp_Row[0, ii]
        fp_Col_ind = fp_Col[0, ii]
        if (ii > 1) and ((Wx[0, ii] != Wx[0, ii - 1]) or (Wy[0, ii] != Wy[0, ii - 1])):
            N = 1

        OutMtx[Wx_ind, Wy_ind] = ((N - 1) * OutMtx[Wx_ind, Wy_ind] + DataMtx[fp_Row_ind, fp_Col_ind]) / N
        N = N + 1
    t_stop[0, jj] = time.time() - t_start
print(f'mean update time = {np.mean(t_stop)}')

Problem solved:问题解决了:

I've used numba with jit compiling and now the Python code runs in an average of 17 msec !!我已经将 numba 与 jit 编译一起使用,现在 Python 代码的平均运行时间为 17 毫秒!


import numpy as np
import cv2
import time
import numba

def Pix2Grid_MovAvg(DataMtx, OutMtx, Wx, Wy, fp_Row, fp_Col, number_of_coords):
    N = 1

    for ii in range(number_of_coords):
        Wx_ind = Wx[0, ii]
        Wy_ind = Wy[0, ii]
        fp_Row_ind = fp_Row[0, ii]
        fp_Col_ind = fp_Col[0, ii]
        if (ii > 1) and ((Wx[0, ii] != Wx[0, ii - 1]) or (Wy[0, ii] != Wy[0, ii - 1])):
            N = 1

        OutMtx[Wx_ind, Wy_ind] = ((N - 1) * OutMtx[Wx_ind, Wy_ind] + DataMtx[fp_Row_ind, fp_Col_ind]) / N
        N += 1
    return OutMtx

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