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如何使用带有多个源列的 pandas_udf 将多个列添加到 pyspark DF?

[英]How to add multiple columns to pyspark DF using pandas_udf with multiple source columns?

And I need to extract from utc_timestamp its date and its hour into two different columns depending on time zone.而且我需要根据时区从utc_timestamp中提取其日期和时间到两个不同的列中。 Time zone name is defined by id from configuration const variable.时区名称由配置 const 变量中的id定义。

    Input DF                                           Output DF
+-------------+--+                         +-------------+--+----------+----+
|utc_timestamp|id|                         |utc_timestamp|id|date      |hour|
+-------------+--+                         +-------------+--+----------+----|
|1608000000782|1 |                         |1608000000782|1 |2020-12-14|20  |
+-------------+--+                         +-------------+--+----------+----+
|1608000240782|2 |                         |1608000240782|2 |2020-12-15|11  |
+-------------+--+                         +-------------+--+----------+----+

I have pandas_udf that allows me to extract one column at a time and I have to create it twice:我有 pandas_udf 允许我一次提取一列,我必须创建它两次:

from pyspark.sql.functions import pandas_udf, PandasUDFType
from pyspark.sql.types import DateType, IntegerType 
import pandas as pd
import pytz

TIMEZONE_LIST = {1: 'America/Chicago', 2: 'Asia/Tokyo'}

class TimezoneUdfProvider(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.extract_date_udf = pandas_udf(self._extract_date, DateType(), PandasUDFType.SCALAR)
        self.extract_hour_udf = pandas_udf(self._extract_hour, IntegerType(), PandasUDFType.SCALAR)
     def _extract_date(self, utc_timestamps: pd.Series, ids: pd.Series) -> pd.Series:
         return pd.Series([extract_date(c1, c2) for c1, c2 in zip(utc_timestamps, ids)])

     def _extract_hour(self, utc_timestamps: pd.Series, ids: pd.Series) -> pd.Series:
         return pd.Series([extract_hour(c1, c2) for c1, c2 in zip(utc_timestamps, ids)])

def extract_date(utc_timestamp: int, id: str):
    timezone_name = TIMEZONE_LIST[id]
    timezone_nw = pytz.timezone(timezone_name)
    return pd.datetime.fromtimestamp(utc_timestamp / 1000e00, tz=timezone_nw).date()

def extract_hour(utc_timestamp: int, id: str) -> int:
    timezone_name = TIMEZONE_LIST[id]
    timezone_nw = pytz.timezone(timezone_name)
    return pd.datetime.fromtimestamp(utc_timestamp / 1000e00, tz=timezone_nw).hour

def extract_from_utc(df: DataFrame) -> DataFrame:
     timezone_udf1 = TimezoneUdfProvider()
     df_with_date = df.withColumn('date', timezone_udf1.extract_date_udf(f.col(utc_timestamp), f.col(id)))
     timezone_udf2 = TimezoneUdfProvider()
     df_with_hour = df_with_date.withColumn('hour', timezone_udf2.extract_hour_udf(f.col(utc_timestamp), f.col(id)))
    return df_with_hour

Is there a better way to do it?有更好的方法吗? Without a need to use the same udf provider twice?不需要两次使用相同的 udf 提供程序?

you can do this without using udf using spark inbuilt functions.您可以在不使用 udf 的情况下使用 spark 内置函数来执行此操作。

We can use create_map to map the dictionary and create new timezone column, then convert using from_unixtime and from_utc_timestamp using the timezone as the newly mapped column.我们可以使用create_map到 map 字典并创建新的时区列,然后使用from_unixtimefrom_utc_timestamp将时区作为新映射的列进行转换。 Once we have the timestamp as per the timezones, we can then fetch Hour and date feilds.一旦我们根据时区获得时间戳,我们就可以获取小时和日期字段。

TIMEZONE_LIST = {1: 'America/Chicago', 2: 'Asia/Tokyo'}

import pyspark.sql.functions as F
from itertools import chain

map_exp = F.create_map([F.lit(i) for i in chain(*TIMEZONE_LIST.items())])

final = (df.withColumn("TimeZone", map_exp.getItem(col("id")))


(3) Spark Jobs
final:pyspark.sql.dataframe.DataFrame = [utc_timestamp: long, id: long ... 3 more fields]

|utc_timestamp| id|       TimeZone|      date|Hour|
|1608000000782|  1|America/Chicago|2020-12-14|  20|
|1608000240782|  2|     Asia/Tokyo|2020-12-15|  11|

EDIT : replacing create_map with a udf :编辑:用udf替换create_map

import pyspark.sql.functions as F
from pyspark.sql.functions import StringType
TIMEZONE_LIST = {1: 'America/Chicago', 2: 'Asia/Tokyo'}
def fun(x):
  return TIMEZONE_LIST.get(x,None)
map_udf = F.udf(fun,StringType())

final = (df.withColumn("TimeZone", map_udf("id")).withColumn("Timestamp",


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