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在 R 中测试 Internet 是否通过 WiFi 或以太网电缆连接

[英]test if internet is connected over WiFi or ethernet cable in R

What would be the most robust way to test if your internet is connected to wifi or ethernet in R ?测试您的互联网是否连接到R中的 wifi 或以太网的最可靠方法是什么?

I want to do an if statement, something like:我想做一个if语句,例如:

  if (internet == "wifi") {
  } else if (internet == "ethernet") {
  } else { #no internet

system("ipconfig", intern = T) seems to be useful but I'm not sure what to extract so that it correctly identifies wifi/ethernet each time no matter what the connection setup is. system("ipconfig", intern = T)似乎很有用,但我不确定要提取什么,以便每次都能正确识别 wifi/以太网,无论连接设置是什么。

I'm working in a windows environment.我在windows环境中工作。


My code is not the most beautiful but it will return a data frame where you can simply read the connection status based on the column "Status" and "Interface Name".我的代码不是最漂亮的,但它会返回一个数据框,您可以在其中简单地根据“状态”和“接口名称”列读取连接状态。 The main problem is that you might end up with various Ethernet/WiFi configurations and therefore it is quite complicated to parse ipconfigs output.主要问题是您最终可能会使用各种以太网/WiFi 配置,因此解析 ipconfigs output 非常复杂。

My version is based on the simple shell command netsh interface show interface我的版本是基于简单的 shell 命令netsh interface show interface

Here is the code:这是代码:

netsh_lst = system("netsh interface show interface", intern = T)
netsh_df <- NULL

for (i in seq(1,length(netsh_lst))){
  current_line <- as.vector(strsplit(netsh_lst[i], '\\s+')[[1]])
  if (length(current_line)>4){
    current_line <- current_line[1:3]
    current_line[4] <- paste(current_line[4:length(current_line)], collapse = ' ')
  if (length(current_line)>2){
    netsh_df = rbind(netsh_df,current_line)

names <- netsh_df[1,]

colnames(netsh_df) <- names
netsh_df <- netsh_df[-1,]
row.names(netsh_df) <- 1:length(netsh_df[,1])

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